Thin placenta in pregnancy

The thin placenta is a placenta with a low mass and thickness at normal sizes. Sometimes this pathology accompanies various congenital malformations of the child. In most cases, this type of placenta is accompanied by chronic placental insufficiency (FPN) and is a risk factor for serious complications in the neonatal period.

Causes of a thin placenta

First of all, thinning of the placenta is the result of bad habits of the mother, which includes smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. In addition, a thin placenta during pregnancy can be a consequence of the transferred infectious disease and the presence of inflammatory processes. They seem to spoil the placenta, thin it. As a result, there is a serious risk of delayed fetal development due to lack of oxygen and nutrients.

If, in carrying out additional studies, the fetus does not find deviations in development, it means that everything is normal and you can not worry about why the placenta is thin.

Than a thin placenta is dangerous?

As already mentioned, because the placenta is too thin, the fetus does not receive all the necessary nutrients and oxygen, as a result of which hypoxia (oxygen starvation) develops, and its development slows down.

Doctors in this case make a diagnosis - a syndrome of delayed development of the fetus. This condition is dangerous because a child can be born very weak, with low weight and congenital health problems.

Thin placenta - what to do?

Treatment for a thin placenta is reduced to improving blood flow. Quarantine is often prescribed for pregnant women - a drug that causes a significant increase in blood flow velocity and increases the oxygen content in venous blood. But do not engage in self-medication or disregard appointments, but strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor.