Echogisterosalpingography (ECHO-GAS) is a method of ultrasound diagnosis, allowing to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes. This method is, perhaps, one of the first, used for suspected obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This is explained by the fact that this method is highly informative, and in comparison with x-ray research does not carry any radiation load on the pregnant woman's body. The procedure refers to minimally invasive, which explains the fact that it is performed on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization of the patient.

How to properly prepare for ECHO-GHA?

Preparation for the ECHO-GAS undertaking of the fallopian tubes is almost not required. A woman needs to exclude food intake literally 2-3 hours before the manipulation. If the patient has increased gas formation, the doctor may prescribe Espumizan 2 days prior to the study.

Also, before the procedure, laboratory tests are prescribed, such as:

Such studies make it possible to exclude the presence of viral and infectious diseases in the body of a woman.

How to conduct ECHO-GHA?

The ECHO-GHA procedure is carried out in an outpatient setting. In this case, an obligatory condition for carrying out is the 1 phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e. 5-10 day.

During such manipulation, a special contrast substance is introduced into the uterine cavity, which penetrates into it, reaches the fallopian tubes. In this case, the evaluation of the state is carried out through the monitor. If the substance reaches the tubes and is inside the abdominal cavity, then this indicates their patency and no violation.

After the ECHO-GHA, women notice small pains in the lower abdomen, which take place during the day. If an obstruction is detected, the woman is prescribed further treatment, - laparoscopy, plasty of the fallopian tubes, ovariolysis (separation of adhesions).