Polyarthritis - symptoms

Among the elderly, inflammatory disease of the cartilaginous tissue such as polyarthritis is often found - the symptoms of the disease resemble arthrosis or ordinary arthritis, but differ from it in that the disease consistently or simultaneously affects several joints at once. It is important to take up the treatment of pathology in time, as it has the property of rapidly progressing.

Disease of polyarthritis

As already mentioned, the disease in question is characterized by inflammatory processes in the joints and periarticular bags. Depending on the reasons that provoked this phenomenon, the clinical manifestations of the disease are different.

There are such types of polyarthritis:

Psoriatic polyarthritis - symptoms

From the name of the form of the disease it is clear that its cause is psoriasis. In addition to the signs of this disease, the following manifestations are observed:

Signs of rheumatic polyarthritis

The main symptoms of this type of disease:

Exchange and gouty polyarthritis of the legs - symptoms

This type of disease is called crystalline because it is characterized by the deposition of salts in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. A vivid example is gout, which begins as a result of the violation of purine metabolism in the body and leads to the growth of crystals of uric acid and salt. Most pathology affects the feet near the thumb.

Clinical symptoms:

Infectious polyarthritis - symptoms

Depending on which infection caused the progression of the disease (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, dysentery, brucellosis), its signs can be expressed in different ways. Common symptoms:

It is worth noting that some infectious diseases that cause polyarthritis, practically do not affect the functionality of the joints.

Allergic polyarthritis - symptoms

The described form of the pathology arises from the ingress of an allergen into the body, usually after the injection of a vaccine or a drug provoking an immune reaction of the cells of the body.

Symptoms of the disease:

With the removal of histamine from the blood, manifestations disappear after 5-10 days.