Kokora Valley

The Department of Kindio in Colombia is known for the fact that coffee is grown here. However, he gained world fame thanks to an amazing place called the Kokor Valley.

What is the peculiarity of the Cocora Valley?

This high mountain valley, which stretches in the upper reaches of the River Kindio at an altitude of 1800-2400 meters above sea level, is part of the National Park Los Nevados . A distinctive feature of the Kokor Valley is the world's highest palm trees. These plants - the wax palms of the Celoxylon of Andes - grow in the valley in large groups. The height of individual trees reaches 80 m, and they grow very slowly, and can live up to 120 years.

Leaves of Tseloksilon Andyans are dark green with a grayish tinge. The cylindrical trunk of the palm is smooth and covered with wax (hence the name of the palm). Before electricity was invented, the wax from this palm was used to make candles and soap. The houses were built of wood, and the fruits were fed to pets. Local residents cut off the leaves, of which were bouquets for the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Due to the fact that these trees were quickly exterminated, the Colombian government in 1985 issued a decree according to which any person who injured the wax palm should have been executed. Thanks to such strict measures, the number of palms began to recover, and the plant itself was recognized as the national symbol of Colombia.

What to do in the Cocora Valley?

Mostly people come here to explore the valley for one day from the nearby city ​​of Salento . Some ecotourism lovers stop at the local camping site and make hikes in the surrounding area. In addition, horseback tourism and bicycle rides, sightseeing flights and rafting are popular here.

How to get to the Cocora Valley?

If you decide to visit the valley of palms, then leave Bogota or Medellin to Armenia , then to Salento, and already there, in the central square, you can hire an off-road car for $ 3, which will take you to your destination.