Lunar eclipse - interesting facts and hypotheses

The lunar eclipse occurs exclusively in the full moon phase and can be observed only in half of the Earth's territory, when the Moon is above the horizon. The moon serves as a symbol of the soul, emotions, and the ability to adapt to external circumstances. That's why it's so important to know what should and can not be done in the period of such a phenomenon.

Lunar eclipse - what is it?

The lunar eclipse is the period when the Moon completely enters the cone of the shadow, which the Earth throws away. The Moon does not have its own light, but its surface is capable of reflecting the sun's rays, so at night it always illuminates the dark road. During the shadow darkening, our satellite becomes red, so this phenomenon is often called the bloody Moon. It can be complete when the shadow completely covers the moon or the private, when the moon partially enters the shadow of the earth, one part remains dark, and the other is illuminated by the sun's rays.

What is the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse?

When the sun is dark, the satellite completely or partially closes the solar disk. In the lunar eclipse, the moon falls partially or completely into the cone-shaped shadow that the Earth throws, and instead of the bright disk people see a dull reddish cloud. From the astronomical point of view, during solar eclipse, the satellite becomes between the Earth and the Sun, overlapping the sunlight to Earth, that is, the Earth receives all the power of the Moon. With shadow darkening, the Earth becomes between the Sun and the Moon, it weakens the energy of the satellite, blocks the flow of solar energy.

There are certain conditions for the appearance of lunar eclipses:

  1. The earth constantly casts a cone-shaped shadow from sunlight, this is because the Sun is larger in size than the Earth. The satellite should pass in the shadow part of the Earth.
  2. For the appearance of darkness, the moon must remain in the full moon phase, during the new moon phenomenon is impossible.

In one year the lunar eclipse can occur no more than three times. The full cycle of lunar eclipses repeats every eighteen years, and if the weather conditions are good, you will be able to observe this phenomenon. It can be observed with the naked eye, and the chances of seeing such a phenomenon are much greater than the solar one, because it is repeated much more often.

How does the lunar eclipse occur?

In the lunar eclipse, the satellite's disk begins to gradually shade. When the entire visible surface of the satellite is already absorbed in the shadow, as the numerous descriptions of the lunar eclipse show, the dark disc changes color from light yellow to reddish-brown. Such color allows us to obtain valuable scientific data on the state of the atmosphere. He often caused bad associations and influenced the course of historical events. For example, in 1504 he helped the expedition of Christopher Columbus to get hold of provisions from local Indians.

The causes of the lunar eclipse

Eastern sages have learned why the lunar eclipse occurs. This phenomenon happens on a full moon. In this period, the Sun, satellite and Earth are in a certain order in this direct line. Even if the Earth completely blocks the sunlight from the surface of the satellite, it can still be seen. The Earth's atmosphere refracts the sunlight and indirectly illuminates the moon. And such a mysterious shade the Moon acquires, because the terrestrial atmosphere is permeable to the rays of the red spectrum. Clouds and dust particles can change the color of the satellite.

In which phase can we observe a lunar eclipse?

The phase of the moon is the illumination of the satellite by sunlight, which periodically changes. Depending on the conditions for the illumination of the Moon by the Sun, there are several phases:

The lunar eclipse is possible only on the full moon. The longest duration of such a phenomenon is 108 minutes. There are cases when the satellite is not visible at all, but you can observe the phenomenon everywhere where it will be above the horizon. Shadow darkness accompanies the sun. So, for example, if in the New Moon phase there was a solar blackout, in one of the nearest full moons expect a total lunar eclipse.

Types of lunar eclipses

There are three types of blackout of the night light:

  1. Complete . It can only occur on a full moon when the moon passes through the center of the full shadow of the Earth.
  2. A particular lunar eclipse , when the shadow from the Earth obscures a small part of the moon.
  3. Semi-shadow . The full or partially illuminated part of the moon passes through the penumbra of the Earth.

How does the lunar eclipse affect people?

Since the Moon is considered a symbol of the human soul , its subconscious, the celestial phenomenon can cause mental unbalance and heightened emotionality. During the period of such a phenomenon, conflict situations may arise in society. Most of all, people who are born in a lunar eclipse are affected, which is manifested by hysteria, crying, whims. Everything that the person on a subconscious level accumulated inside of himself, breaks out. During shadow shadowing, the person is guided not by the mind, but by the senses.

There are a number of people who are most exposed to the harmful effects of blackout:

  1. Hypertension, the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system is increased. Eliminate exercise.
  2. Mentally unhealthy people. This phenomenon is called "Eclipse of the Soul", all because the subconscious part triumphs over the conscious, because of which many become overly emotional.
  3. People who had previously been hypnotized.

Lunar eclipse - interesting facts

In ancient times, people did not know that blackout was a common occurrence and was very frightened when they saw a bloody red spot. All because then the science was not so developed, to the near people the heavenly body seemed to be something unusual, mythical. But although science has already clarified the cause of this phenomenon, there are various interesting facts about the lunar eclipse:

  1. Earth is the only place in the solar system where one can see such a phenomenon.
  2. Although a half-shadow lunar eclipse occurs every eighteen years, there are people who have never seen such a phenomenon, all because of their bad luck. So, for example, the Canadian astronomer J. Campbell could not see the phenomenon because of the weather.
  3. Numerous researches of scientists have confirmed the fact that in 600 million years the satellite will leave the Earth so much that it will cease to close the Sun.
  4. The shadow from the satellite moves at a speed of 2 thousand kilometers per second.