Washing of the nose with soda and salt

In the nasal sinuses dust and bacteria constantly accumulate, and when developing various sinusitis and rhinitis, crusts, mucus and pus are also formed. This leads to inflammatory processes and difficulty breathing, a rise in body temperature. Washing the nose with soda and salt is a proven folk method of cleansing the maxillary sinuses, which helps not only to get rid of the common cold, but also to remove pathogenic microorganisms from mucous membranes.

Can I wash my nose with soda?

As a rule, doctors do not recommend using a clean soda solution, although many people consider it to be very effective. The fact is that sodium bicarbonate is an alkali, whereas the surface of the mucous membranes of the human body is dominated by an acidic medium. Washing the nose with soda without additional ingredients can severely disrupt the microflora and ph level, which will cause irritation and dryness, will provoke the formation of crusts and the destruction of blood vessels.

Rinse the nose with soda and salt

The mixture of components considered, in contrast to a pure soda solution, is excellent for sinus washings.

Salt, especially marine origin, is an effective antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. It contains many micro and macro elements, mainly sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium, but in the chemical formula of salt there is also selenium, iron, fluorine, zinc, copper and manganese.

In combination with soda, the described product allows to achieve the following results:

How to rinse your nose with salt and soda?

There are 2 proven recipes for the preparation of medicinal solution.

Tool number 1:

  1. In warm water, add half a teaspoon of baking soda and sea ​​salt , stir.
  2. After completely dissolving the components, rinse the sinuses thoroughly.
  3. Repeat 3-5 times a day.

If there is no marine, you can use salt as in the next recipe.

Tool number 2:

  1. In 200 ml of water with a temperature of 36-37 degrees, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and soda.
  2. Add 1 drop of alcoholic tincture of iodine to the liquid.
  3. Rinse your nose up to 6 times a day.

To perform the procedure there are special teapots flattened round in shape with a long curved spout, which is inserted into the nostril. After tilting the head sideways, it is necessary to pour the treatment solution into the nasal cavity (it is possible to draw in the liquid) so that it flows from either the other nostril or from the mouth.

The first time this manipulation may seem complicated and unpleasant, but after a few sessions it will be much faster and better.

In the absence of a special teapot, you can use a sterile rubber syringe, a syringe or simply pull in the nose with a solution from a flat-bottomed container, palm.

Can I rinse my nose with salt and soda for prophylaxis?

The considered technique of cleansing and disinfection of sinuses is perfectly suitable for the prevention of influenza and ARVI. During the epidemic, it is recommended to wash your nose daily during morning and evening washing. This will strengthen local immunity, remove bacteria from the mucous membranes that have penetrated there within 24 hours, disinfect cavities and remove accumulated mucus, dry crusts. Especially useful rinsing in the winter and spring time, when the body is most vulnerable to pathogenic microbes.