Allergy to ragweed - treatment by folk methods

Ambrosia is an inconvenience to many people. In the peak flowering of this plant, people try to somehow reduce the symptoms of allergies. Today, there are many ways to treat the body's reaction to the plant at home without resorting to drugs. The simplest and most practical folk methods from allergy to ragweed pollens are presented in our article.

Folk methods for the treatment of ragweed allergy

  1. Orange and lemon juice . We take two oranges and a half of lemon. Squeeze them with your hand or in a juicer and put in the refrigerator. After two hours we take the prepared juice from the refrigerator, add a spoonful of honey and a couple of ice cubes. Drink this delicious and healthy drink half an hour before a meal every day. Juice of citrus fruits will also help keep you high immunity to colds.
  2. Eggshell . Egg shell powder by 1 / 3-1 / 4 teaspoon with the addition of two drops of lemon juice is taken before eating. If the child has an allergy, then reduce the dose twice. Also, the egg shell is an excellent source of natural calcium for your body.
  3. Celery juice with honey . Take ten bundles of celery, rinse thoroughly with cold water. We pass it through a meat grinder and squeeze all the juice into a glass or a deep plate. We add there two tablespoons of honey, mix. The prepared mixture is covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator. We take three tablespoons three times daily before meals. Celery is a universal product, so it not only helps you in the fight against allergies, but also improves your water-salt metabolism.
  4. Decoction of nettle . To prepare the broth we take one tablespoon of dry nettle, pour it into a saucepan, pour one glass of boiling water, put it on a slow fire and boil for 10-12 minutes. The broth is taken chilled one tablespoon before meals five times a day. Treatment with a nettle broth will give you strong immunity, because it contains a large amount of ascorbic acid.
  5. Infusion of pine needles and rose hips . In a walk through the park or the forest, we pick up a few pine needles. At home we wash them and finely grind them so that 5 tablespoons are obtained. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan. We add two spoons of the crushed dogrose. Fill with one liter of boiling water and put on a small fire for 10-12 minutes. Filter the resulting infusion through gauze. We accept during the day. People with diseases of the respiratory tract are always recommended to walk in the pine forest, the air there is not only clean, but also therapeutic. So safely go for a walk.
  6. Mummy . Mummy is widely used in folk medicine. This natural product favorably affects all the processes of the body and heals from many diseases, including allergies. 1-2 grams of mummy poured 100 ml of warm boiled water. We take it in the morning and in the evening, better on an empty stomach.

Pollinosis from ragweed occurs in the spring and summer. Treatment with herbal decoctions is best to begin before flowering, i.e. from the winter. With the proper intake of decoctions, the symptoms become less aggressive, which will greatly facilitate your life. After walking, it is recommended to clean the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose with a rinse with warm water. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition. Completely rid itself of allergy to ragweed folk methods, unfortunately, it is still impossible, but to weaken the reaction to flowering and enjoy the warm days is quite possible.