Collagen hydrolyzate

Collagen hydrolyzate is a chemical in the form of a light powder, which is obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of a collagen molecule. As you know, collagen is a protein that is the main structural unit of cartilage, dermis, vessels, tendons, etc. and providing elasticity and strength. The lack of collagen in the body leads to the development of various diseases of the joint-joint system, problems with teeth, visual impairments and many other pathological processes in the body. Also, many cosmetic problems arise from this, which is especially unpleasant for women.

Collagen hydrolyzate in cosmetics for the face

Sufficiently widely the collagen hydrolyzate powder is used by the cosmetology industry as a component of the composition of creams for the skin of the eyelids and face. Basically, such remedies are recommended for mature skin, which gradually loses collagen with age. However, many of these creams are also meant for use by young girls, whose skin suffers from dryness, dehydration, lack of elasticity.

Asking the question, whether hydrolyzed collagen in the face cream is useful for your skin, you should see what effect it has on the dermis tissue. With regular use of the product with hydrolyzed collagen promote:

Collagen hydrolyzate with vitamin C

Today on sale there is a considerable quantity of the food additives with hydrolyzate of a collagen, including also in the structure vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Admission of such drugs is recommended, mainly as an additional means for the treatment of bone and joint diseases, for preventive purposes, as well as for active sports. Collagen hydrolyzate with internal admission is well absorbed and helps to compensate for the lack of collagen in the body. Vitamin C also positively affects the condition of connective, bone and cartilaginous tissues, performs the properties of the antioxidant, and participates in the synthesis of its own collagen.