Effect on the body of E476

After watching documentaries and the abundance of information received from the Internet with links to competent sources, many people have a useful habit when buying products to read their composition. And if there is an "E" with numbers in it, many refuse to buy and put it back on the shelf. Doubts about the harm of food additives outweigh the desire to buy a product, because they know much less about the benefits. In this article, we describe what the E476 additive is, which is a stabilizer, that is, an auxiliary component for improving the consistency (viscosity) of the product.

What is the effect on the body of E476?

Take everything and send it to your body would be unsafe. Because many serious diseases can appear not only from a genetic predisposition, but also from products, more precisely from their composition with artificial modified additives.

The letter "E" indicates the European standard of food, and the next following the digital code is a kind of food additive. That is, E476 nutritional supplement, this is a reduction of the full, more voluminous name.

All "E" supplements are tested in research laboratories at first on animals, and then on humans. With negative effects on the body and their consequences, additives are added to the list of prohibited substances and their further use is unacceptable.

However, the inspection of products is carried out every half a year and there are cases when a whole batch is seized. But in the period between checks, food can get supplements prohibited, which can seriously hurt your health.

Everything should be in moderation

Food stabilizer E476 is harmful to the body in very large quantities, especially for the growing body. It is one of the allowed in Russia, Ukraine, the European Union.

Used mainly to maintain the desired consistency of the viscosity of the products.

Poliritsinoleat, polyglycerin are necessary for making chocolate and are used as an emulsifier to reduce the consumption of cocoa butter. They reduce the price, but also worsen the quality, but the mysterious profit will always strive for this. E476 is a part of some types of mayonnaise, margarine, ice cream, ready-made soups and sauces, confectionery.

It is officially accepted that polyglycerin is absolutely safe for human health. However, it is not necessary to consume it in large quantities, as it was noted that excessive abuse of foods with an E476 supplementation causes an increase in the liver and kidneys. Especially these warnings concern children and people with diseases of the stomach.

Lecithin, as a building material

The marking e476 indicates that the composition contains lecithin, which is necessary for the body to repair damaged cells, it delivers nutrients to them. It has already been proved that the deficit of lecithin has an impact on the development of mental abilities in children.

Soy lecithin Е476, as is known, is produced in industry from genetically modified soy. And there is no unambiguous answer about its harm or benefit. It has such useful properties:

However, soy lecithin can be harmful, causing an allergic reaction, which in the future can lead to a serious illness.

In our body, many additives come through foods that undergo industrial treatment in the manufacturing process. But to do without them is no longer possible, if only because the equipment was originally developed for the use of additives. In addition, without them, it becomes impossible that a large number of volumes of transporting food products on an international scale.

The main thing is to limit their influence on the body, including E476 and more harmful ones, to take care of themselves, paying attention to the composition of the purchased product.