What do the nails say?

Although the nail plates are keratinized cells of the body, they can tell a lot about the work of internal organs and human health. In ancient oriental medicine there was even a direction of diagnosis on the nails, it was believed that the plate on each finger reflects the state of a certain part of the body.

What is the surface of the nails?

The appearance of dells, bands, the feeling of undulation of the nail plate are the first signs of fungal lesions. Mycoses are of different types and in order to determine the type of damaging microorganisms it is necessary to do scraping from the nail and to conduct laboratory tests.

The direction of the hollows also matters. If they are longitudinal, most likely, the following diseases occur:

Transverse grooves indicate such problems:

Color of nail plates

If the change in the shade of the nails is not caused by poor-quality varnish or smoking, it is important to pay attention to health.

The blue or violet color of the plates indicates a violation of cardiac activity. In addition, a similar shade accompanies lung diseases, such as bronchial asthma, tuberculosis or chronic bronchitis.

Bordeaux and dark red tone suggests problems with blood circulation. It is worth noting that this color is not acquired by the nail itself, but by the skin beneath it.

Purple, lilac shade of the plate have, if the body lacks vitamins, nutrients. Also, this may indicate anemia, malnutrition, weakness of the immune system.

Yellow, brown nails are acquired with various diseases of the liver or gall bladder. If the shade with an admixture of green - most likely, in an organism there are stable inflammations with allocation of purulent masses.

Pale or almost white nail plates warn of developing cirrhosis of the liver.

In addition to the color of the entire nail, attention should be paid to its uniformity. Often it is possible to notice inclusions of various shades, which also help to diagnose diseases:

What is the structure of the nails?

In a healthy person, the nail plates are uniform and approximately equal in thickness along the entire surface. The detachment of the nails indicates that in the body there is an excess of artificial chemical elements or long-term poisoning with small doses. In addition, this symptom should be paid special attention to women. Nails, as a rule, fade for violations of the functioning of the reproductive system, ovaries and hormonal imbalance.

Increased brittleness, fragility of the nail plates warns of improper nutrition - in the diet an acute shortage of trace elements and vitamins. Moreover, it is worth giving a blood test for antibodies to parasites (helminths, lamblia and ascarids), since their presence in the body significantly slows the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

Burrs and detachment of the nails on the sides indicate the following problems: