Chronic cholecystitis - symptoms and treatment of a dangerous ailment

In women at the age of 40 years, a slow inflammation of the gallbladder is often diagnosed. This is a dangerous disease that can provoke a lot of complications and lead to the need to remove the organ. To prevent negative consequences, it is important to detect the symptoms of pathology in a timely manner and start treating it.

Causes of chronic cholecystitis

Inflammatory process begins due to violations of motility of the gallbladder. Later, an infectious agent joins, aggravating the course of the disease. The causes of cholecystitis, thickening and stagnation of bile, the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

Types of chronic cholecystitis

There are several options for classifying the disease in question. It is important to immediately correctly differentiate chronic cholecystitis - the symptoms and treatment of pathology largely depend on its shape. Incorrect diagnosis and unsuitable therapy can lead to aggravation of the inflammatory process, its spread to nearby organs and other serious consequences.

Types of cholecystitis according to the frequency of exacerbations:

By severity and severity of symptoms, the disease happens:

The main role is played by the presence of concrements in the gallbladder. On this basis, the pathology is divided into 2 groups:

Chronic calculous cholecystitis

According to the generally accepted theory, the formation of concrements is due to a change in the ratio of acids and cholesterol in the bile. The latter component precipitates at high concentrations, from which solid lumps are formed. Often these processes are preceded by non-calculous cholecystitis - stones in the gall bladder appear against the background of impaired dynamics of the organ and its motor functions without adequate treatment. Other reasons for the formation of concrements:

Chronic non-calculous cholecystitis

Stasis and thickening of bile are the factors that determine the development of this disease. The immediate causative agent, which provokes chronic acalculous cholecystitis, is considered to be an infection. The following agents can trigger inflammation:

It is necessary to determine correctly that the chronic cholecystitis caused the above-the symptoms and treatment directly depend on the source of the pathological process. Infection penetrates the gallbladder mainly in an ascending manner from the intestine. Less often, pathogenic bacteria migrate with lymph or blood from distant foci of slow inflammation.

Chronic cholecystitis - symptoms

The clinical picture of the described disease corresponds to its shape and severity. Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis without concrements in the gallbladder:

The chronic calculous cholecystitis also proceeds identically - the symptoms completely coincide with the non-cardiovascular type of the disease, therefore the presence of concrements is detected only during instrumental or hardware diagnostics on the eve of treatment. Both types of pathology can progress without significant clinical manifestations, because of which the disease is detected already at a difficult stage of development with complicated symptoms.

Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis

The recurrence of the inflammatory process in question is often provoked by errors in the diet and is accompanied by an immediate reaction from the gallbladder with specific signs. Non-calculous chronic cholecystitis in the stage of exacerbation is characterized by such symptoms:

Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis - symptoms in the presence of stones in the gallbladder:

Chronic cholecystitis - diagnosis

To develop a correct therapeutic regimen, it is required not only to confirm the presence of inflammation. It is important to know for what reason chronic cholecystitis has begun - the symptoms and treatment of the disease correspond to the causative agent of the pathological process. First, the doctor collects an anamnesis, conducts examination and palpation (palpation) of the abdomen. During the survey, the factors that determine the onset of inflammation: hypodynamia, eating habits, harmful predilections, and others. The final diagnosis of "chronic cholecystitis" is established on the basis of studies:

Chronic cholecystitis - treatment

The therapeutic approach is selected individually in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the patient and the form of pathology. Only a qualified doctor can decide how to treat chronic cholecystitis. Independent attempts to cope with the disease often lead only to the aggravation of symptoms and the occurrence of irreversible complications.

Treatment of cholecystitis with medicines - drugs

Conservative therapy is suitable for patients without gallstones. This approach does not work if chronic calculous cholecystitis is diagnosed - the treatment in this case involves the removal of the organ together with the calculi. Less often, chemical dissolution or shock-wave crushing is prescribed, but even with the effectiveness of these procedures, stones can form again and the symptoms will resume.

Active medication is recommended when there is an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, the treatment consists in the use of several groups of drugs:

Chronic cholecystitis - folk treatment

Phytotherapy and alternative drugs are resolved during the remission of pathology and after complete relief of the symptoms of the inflammatory process. Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies during the relapse of the disease is extremely dangerous. Herbal preparations can provoke excessive secretion of bile and increased stasis, impaired liver and pancreatic function. Any used recipes are important to check with the doctor. Only a doctor can approve a method to stop chronic cholecystitis - symptoms and folk medication are not always compatible.

Effective herbal collection


Preparation, use :

  1. Dry plants to grind and mix.
  2. Pour 1-1.5 teaspoons of the obtained collection with boiling water.
  3. Insist means 90 minutes.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Half an hour before each meal, drink 15-20 ml of medication.
  6. Continue treatment for 3 weeks.

Diet in chronic cholecystitis

A special diet is prescribed for all patients with a diagnosed diagnosis. Nutrition for chronic cholecystitis is organized in accordance with table number 5 (remission) and № 5a (relapse) according to Pevzner. Food intake is carried out every 3-3.5 hours in small portions, only in a warm form.

Both during and after treatment are prohibited to be consumed:

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Chronic cholecystitis - complications

If you do not follow the recommendations for treatment and nutrition, the disease will progress. As a result, mainly the liver and gallbladder are damaged - chronic cholecystitis causes such dangerous consequences: