Iodophilic flora in the coprogramme

Intestinal microflora is a collection of various microorganisms, most of which should be on lactic acid bacteria (bifido- and lactobacilli). The detected iodophilic flora in the coprogram is a sign of an imbalance between the normal components and pathogenic representatives of the microflora, and also indicates the occurrence of fermentation in the intestine.

Why is a pathological iodophilic flora found in the coprogram?

The name of the microorganisms described is due to their reaction to interaction with liquids containing iodine, for example, Lugol's solution. Upon contact with it, the bacteria are dyed dark blue or almost black.

Usually, in deciphering to a coprogram with the identified iodophilic flora, its composition is indicated. It can include:

As a rule, the presence of these microorganisms in feces indicates the following pathologies:

It is important to remember that it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of the detection of iodophilic flora. To confirm suspicions, it is necessary to pay attention to other indicators of the coprogram and to conduct additional studies of the digestive system.

Treatment in the presence of iodophilic flora in the coprogram

If pathogenic microorganisms multiply due to serious diseases of the stomach, pancreas, inflammatory processes in the intestine, it is necessary first to deal with the therapy of diagnosed pathology.

In other cases, the standard treatment of dysbiosis:

  1. Correction of the diet. In the diet, all foods with a high content of easily digestible carbohydrates, starches and sugars are excluded. Also, you should limit or remove food from the menu that promotes the development of fermentation processes and gas formation (cabbage, beans, black bread, milk, raw vegetables and fruits).
  2. Admission of special drugs. To restore the balance of microflora, it is necessary to drink probiotics and prebiotics with live lacto-, bifidobacteria.