Egilok - analogues

Egilok is one of the beta-blockers that directly affect the number of heartbeats, reducing it and normalizing blood pressure in hypertension . Egilok's analogues are drugs with a similar effect. Some of them are more effective, some less.

Analogues of the drug Egilok

If you do not know what can replace Egilok, you should first pay attention to drugs with a similar composition. Complete analogs like Egilok Retard, Metoprolol and Metocard differ from this remedy only at a price. The active substance, metoprolol, regulates the work of the heart and normalizes the systula, prolonging the diastole. Those who take one of these medicines, you should know: abruptly stop using metoprolol drugs can not. The dose should be reduced very smoothly, gradually.

There are many other drugs with a similar effect, which have a slightly different composition, but are also beta-blockers. Here is a list of these medicines:

Which is better - Concor, or Egiloc?

Recently, doctors increasingly advise patients who have been taking Egilok for a long time to switch to Concor. This is due to the fact that the body gradually develops a habit of the drug. With a sharp cessation of treatment this can have serious consequences. Concor refers to a number of new drugs with very high efficiency. For example, 5 mg of Concor corresponds to 50 mg of Egiloc. Accordingly, the body tolerates treatment much easier, because the load on the organs is lower. The action of Concor lasts about 24 hours, which exceeds the effect from Egilok by about half. As part of the drug beta-blocker bisoprosol, which has the same indications and contraindications as metoprolol. The only argument in favor of using the familiar to all Egilok in this case is the high price of Concor.

What is better to choose - Anaprilin, or Egilok?

Anaprilin belongs to the first generation of drugs of beta-blockers, so many doctors refused to use it. The main reason is a very short-term effect. This drug, in which propranolol, as well as Obzidan, can be used for an emergency reduction in blood pressure, or removal of tachycardia. Anaprilin also helps fight panic attacks. It is not recommended to apply it for systemic treatment. It's incorrect to say that the drug can replace Egilok.

Betalok, or Egilok - which is better?

Metaprolol acts as the main active substance of the Betaloc preparation, which makes it a complete analogue of Egilok. Indications for use and contraindications for these two drugs completely coincide. If there was not one of them in the pharmacy, you can easily buy another one, there will be no difference in treatment.

What is better - Egilok or Atenolol?

Atenolol also refers to drugs beta-blockers and has an average effect on effectiveness. It is fairly well absorbed by the body and acts quickly, but just like Egiloc, it can be addictive. The average bioavailability of Atenolol a little lower, a day may require 100 to 250 mg of the drug. Its price also differs in a smaller direction, the drug is cheaper than the stronger analogues. But, given that even more pills are needed a day, it is not profitable to purchase this medicine from the point of view of financial expediency. Such a decision is justified only if there were no more effective drugs on sale.

As you can see, today Egilok remains the optimal choice: it is a drug that is not expensive, it is effective enough and at the same time it is easily excreted from the body.