Causes of stagnation of bile

Normally, the gallbladder is filled with bile produced by the liver cells, and, shrinking, throws it into the small intestine during eating, emptying completely. In the intestine, bile is involved in the processing of fats and certain other components of incoming food.

If the process of outflow of bile is disturbed, its condensation occurs, the formation of concrements, which also, in turn, slows its retraction. As a result, not only digestion processes are violated, but also metabolic processes, and, in addition, a deficiency in the body of important substances is formed. Another consequence of stagnation of bile may be an infectious inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts.

Causes of stagnation of bile in the gallbladder

Before the appointment of treatment it is important to establish provoking factors and eliminate them as far as possible. If bile congestion is observed continuously and does not last long, the reasons for this phenomenon can be:

The main diseases that cause stagnation in the gallbladder are: