Alcoholic epilepsy

Epileptic seizures are one of the varieties of neurological disorders characterized by seizures. Alcoholic epilepsy is also characterized by convulsive conditions that first arise after severe poisoning, and then repeat regardless of external factors, developing into a chronic form.

Causes of alcoholic epilepsy

The factor that caused the very first attack of alcohol epilepsy is acute intoxication of the body with alcohol-containing beverages. It is worth noting that the victim is not necessarily drunk at the same time, the epileptic seizure most often occurs with systematic, daily use of alcohol, even in small amounts.

In addition to alcoholism , there are several other reasons:

After a primary attack, alcoholic epilepsy becomes chronic and requires treatment.

Symptoms of alcoholic epilepsy

At the beginning of a fit, a person loses consciousness, and then almost immediately comes to his senses because of burning pain in the muscles of the hands and feet associated with convulsions. Sometimes during epileptic attack there are hallucinations, the victim is delirious, as if under the influence of alcohol. Signs of alcoholic epilepsy are manifested in blue lips and strong pallor of the skin. In this case, the head of the patient spontaneously backfires, which carries a threat of respiratory function due to the tongue sinking into the pharynx.

In addition to violations of physical health, psychoemotional disorders also arise. The injured person becomes practically incapacitated, irritated and offended by trifles, often angry for no apparent reason.

How to treat alcoholic epilepsy?

Any disease can be cured if its cause is eliminated. Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy is no exception, so the first thing that you need to pay attention to is alcoholism . It is the constant use of alcohol provokes the first epileptic seizures, thereby destroying brain tissue and neural connections. The patient should realize that to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to completely stop drinking and never again return to this addictive habit.

It should be noted that the treatment of alcohol dependence and all related problems should be comprehensive, combine the intake of medication and regular work with a psychologist.

First aid for an epileptic seizure

It is advisable to start first aid to the victim during an attack from the very first minutes, as soon as the attack has begun. Such recommendations should be observed:

Consequences of alcoholic epilepsy

Speaking about the consequences, it should be clarified that all the negative effects on the body is alcohol, and not epileptic seizures.

Among the most common problems of alcoholics are violations of the liver and digestive organs. In addition, the cardiovascular system is significantly damaged, the diseases of the musculoskeletal system arise or worsen.

Naturally, acute disorders of brain activity during epileptic seizures contribute to the development of persistent disturbances of consciousness, mental disorders.