Duodenogastric reflux treatment

Duodenogastric reflux is a fairly common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by an unwanted casting of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach. The disease is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant sensations, so you want to start treatment of duodenogastric reflux as soon as possible. And in order to recover faster, it is important to choose the right treatment.

Principles of treatment of duodenogastric bile reflux

Unfortunately, the only remedy, which once and for all rescues a person from reflux, unfortunately does not exist. Cope with the disease can only be through complex therapy, which is based on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

A few simple tips will help significantly speed up the treatment of duodenogastric reflux:

  1. To take food to people with such a diagnosis should often (about five to six times a day), but portions in this case should be small. It is desirable to chew the food thoroughly.
  2. It is recommended to eat a healthy diet, which the body will quickly and easily absorb.
  3. Immediately after eating, you can not go to bed. Do not recommend at this time and load.
  4. In no case should you overeat.
  5. For the period of treatment it is very important to give up bad habits.
  6. That the condition was not aggravated, the patient needs to watch the weight.

In parallel with drug treatment of duodenogastric reflux, the patient must follow a diet. From the diet should disappear such products:

Useful for the body can be fresh fruits and vegetables, mashed porridge and light soups, lean meat and fish, cottage cheese.

What drugs are used to treat duodenogastric reflux?

Different forms of the disease require an individual approach. The main goal of the treatment is to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, patients get well:

Antibiotics are prescribed infrequently. They are intended to restrict the number of histamine receptors.

The best drugs for duodenogastric reflux: