Analyzes for thyroid hormones

A blood test for thyroid hormones is a measurement of the indices of biologically active substances that are formed in the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. They regulate the metabolism in humans of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, the daily performance of the cardiovascular system, sexual and mental activity, as well as the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Time-tested tests for thyroid hormones help any person in time to identify unwanted damage and prevent the development of life-threatening diseases.

How does the analysis go?

To pass in our time the analysis on hormones of a thyroid gland is easy enough, but certain preparation should be carried out necessarily. A few days before the day of analysis, it is necessary to completely abandon preparations that contain iodine. The day before the study you need to exclude absolutely all physical activity, do not smoke and do not drink alcohol. If you take thyroid hormones, they should be discarded a month before the analysis, but before that, without fail, consult your endocrinologist.

The blood test for thyroid hormones is performed only on an empty stomach. You can not even drink water! In the laboratory it is advisable to come before 10:30 am and calmly sit or lie down for about 30 minutes before taking the analysis.

Blood is taken from the vein, and the results of thyroid hormone assays will be known about a day later.

Why do they take tests?

Analyzes for thyroid hormones are usually prescribed to patients:

In addition, the blood test for thyroid hormones in rare cases can be prescribed to patients with the occurrence of systemic ailments of connective tissue, for example, in case of lupus erythematosus or scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as dermatomyositis.

Based on the results of tests performed in the laboratory, which evaluate the work of the gland, the attending physician sums up and concludes that there is one of the following conditions:

Explanation of the analysis

The analysis of the analysis of thyroid hormones is carried out only by the attending physician. The parameters are measured in such hormones:

  1. TZ free - stimulates the exchange and absorption of oxygen in the tissues of the human body. Changes in its content indicate problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. T4 free - stimulates the exchange of proteins, its increase stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, as well as oxygen consumption. Indicators of this hormone help to identify thyroiditis, toxic goiter, hypothyroidism and others.
  3. TTG - stimulates the formation and secretion of T3 and T4 and should be paid attention to in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
  4. Antibodies to thyroglobulin - their presence in the blood is a very important indicator for the detection of diseases such as Hashimoto's disease or diffuse toxic goiter.
  5. Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase - using the indicators of these antibodies can easily determine the presence of ailments associated with the autoimmune system.

Since the norm of the concentration of thyroid hormones in analyzes is directly dependent on the age and even sex of the patient, and also the method of investigation, the endocrinologist always makes a diagnosis individually for each patient. In some cases, you may be re-examined. To be afraid of this should not be done to determine the level of hormones in the dynamics.