Cleansing the body of toxins

Currently, quite often they say and write about the slagging of the body, and also that it is necessary to cleanse it systematically. Today we will describe various ways to cleanse the body of toxins.

The fastest cleansing of the body is the so-called two-day fast. During its period it is allowed to drink only water or herbal teas. I would also like to note that this post does not help you to lose weight fast, its purpose is detoxification of the body and its purification. During the purification of the body of water, you must give up smoking, physical exertion, stress and culinary temptations.

Collection of herbs for cleansing the body

Headache, fatigue, irritability, loss of strength - these are the symptoms that the body gives to us, reporting slagging. Partially remove these symptoms can be used onions, parsley, dill. But this is not enough. It is better to give preference to the herbal collection to cleanse the body.

The most effective in removing toxins and toxins from the body is the Tibetan purification. In addition to purification, you get a bonus like a restored nervous system, get rid of excess cholesterol and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. The present Tibetan cleaning fee includes, as a rule, about 30 types of grasses.

A good means to cleanse the body will be an ordinary dandelion. Decoction of dandelion stimulates digestion, has choleretic effect, and completely rebuilds metabolic processes, removing toxins.

Nettle has similar properties. By the way, it is the most powerful natural "blood purifier". The systematic use of infusion with nettle stimulates the kidneys to increase the release of water, restores and activates the immune system.

Ordinary horsetail can also "argue" with her herbal associates. Tea for cleansing the body on the basis of horsetail normalizes water-salt metabolism, removing from the body excess lead and cholesterol.

Cleansing the body of coal

The simplest type of cleaning is cleaning with activated carbon. By the way, this is the most ancient way, which came from ancient Egypt. Today it is called enterosorption. The principle of action is simple: the sorbent binds toxic and toxic substances and removes from the digestive tract. Also this kind of cleansing also affects the exchange of fats in the body and perfectly cleanses the blood.

The course of taking activated carbon should not be more than four weeks. Take one tablet for 10 kg of weight twice a day. After the course is completed, include in the diet more foods containing live bacteria.

Activated carbon effectively cleanses the body of toxins, but should not be abused. Long-term acceptance of coal even in small doses reduces the absorption of the gastrointestinal tract of proteins, fats and vitamins. There may be other side effects: constipation, diarrhea, etc. It is also forbidden to take activated charcoal for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity of the patient and gastric bleeding.

For complete purification of the organism, necessary and partial starvation, and abstinence from bad habits and products, and a complex drink of pure water and herbal teas. Also try to lead an active lifestyle.

Most importantly, remember that the body's cleansing system must be consistent. At first, the large intestine, after you pay attention to cleaning the liver and gall bladder, then cleaning the vessels and tissue fluid. The last step is to cleanse the kidneys. Observing this sequence, you will protect yourself from the spread of toxins through the body and the reverse absorption of harmful substances.