Plasmolifting - contraindications

Like any "miraculous" procedures, plazmolifting caused a real "boom" in the field of rejuvenation and cosmetology. Because of the complexity of the procedure's impact on the body, it is overgrown with myths that at times frighten, and sometimes on the contrary, inspire, and are inclined to conduct plasmolifting.

As things really are, we will try to understand in this article.

Plasmolifting after 50 years - "for" and "against"

Plasmolifting is a procedure in which human plasma is used. The risk of blood poisoning is minimized, because the patient's material is used for injections - the blood is taken from the vein, and then placed in a special apparatus that releases plasma from the mass.

Plasmolifting was preceded by the procedure of autohemotherapy, which is still used today for the treatment of many diseases - with it the blood from the vein is dosed and flowed into the gluteus muscle.

Every year, plazmolifting is becoming more popular, and the range of application of the technique is expanding.

Since this method is indirectly related to stem cells (provokes their work), then this presents certain perspectives - on the one hand, they are iridescent, and on the other hand, somewhat frightening, because the work with stem cells is not yet fully understood, and there are evidence that these cells are involved in the growth of cancerous tumors. But not all stem cells are involved in tumor growth - only a limited pool of cancer stem cells is involved in complicating the disease.

Thus, the harm of plasmolifting can occur in people who are prone to cancer, or already have symptoms of the disease. In this case, the damage to plasmolifting is obvious - if a person has cancer, then provoking stem cells will probably lead to tumor growth.

Therefore, in order to protect themselves, women, whose age increases the likelihood of developing cancer, should undergo a qualitative examination of the whole organism before plasmolifting, and also pay attention to whether there is a hereditary predisposition to this kind of diseases.

But plasmolifting has a significant advantage - it's a real way to rejuvenate the skin and hair, again - thanks to the activation of stem cells . But besides them, platelets, which promote rejuvenation, also have a platelet-lift factor, have a growth factor.

Plasmolifting of the face - contraindications

That plazmolifting has not done much harm, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to its carrying out:

Plasmolifting for hair - contraindications

Contraindications to the plasmolifting in the scalp area are no different from the contraindications of plasmolifting on the face, except that in this case it is necessary to exclude head skin diseases.

Side Effects after Plasma Lifting

Complications after plazmolifting are rare, because the procedure is preceded by an examination of the body, and it is carried out Only in the event that all risks are excluded.

But, nevertheless, after the procedure, allergic reactions are possible either to the material of the needle, or to the cells of your own organism. In the latter case, one can speak of an allergy of an autoimmune nature.

It is also likely that the infection enters the bloodstream if the safety rules for the storage and use of the components of plamolifting have been violated.

If acne is present on the skin, then plasmolifting can provoke their exacerbation, and in the presence of the herpes virus in the body - the awakening of a "sleeping" infection.