Apple saved - signs for women

On the Apple Savior, just like in other Orthodox holidays, there are many signs, rituals, traditions. We will tell you about some of them now.

In what signs does the people believe in the holiday - the Apple Savior?

People believe that on this holiday, apples acquire a magical power. In order for apples to help fulfill their cherished desire, they need to eat 12 pieces.

On this day, it is customary to eat dishes that include apples. Therefore, the housewives bake the charlotte on this day and cook the apple compote. Baking and fresh fruit are used to treat poor and destitute people. It is believed that if you do good on this holiday, then it will return a hundredfold.

Since ancient times people have organized noisy festivities during the holiday. Dances, songs, dances, jumping over the fire - this is an incomplete list of people's entertainment.

At the end of the holiday, most likely, summer things can be hidden in the closet, since there is a sign that the cooling will not take long.

Do not quarrel during the holiday and on the eve. Those who wrestle on such a sacred day can bring trouble.

If you sowed crops - harvest before the holiday. After the Apple Savior, rain is a frequent phenomenon, therefore village folk, following this precept, amicably collect corn from the fields.

Signs for women in the Apple Savior

Women who have ever died a child are strictly forbidden to eat fruit until the festive date. It touches a sign and those who have sinned by having an abortion. It is believed that the Apple Savior, those children whose mothers did not violate the ban, angels bring gifts. Babies whose parents have disregarded the rule do not give anything. After visiting the temple, it is customary to go to the grave of the child and bring him the consecrated fruits. If the grave is in another city or for some reason it is impossible to get there, then leave the fruit on the grave of another kid.

Women who can not become pregnant should be treated with apples as many children as possible on this day. There is a belief that then God will give the long-awaited child.

Signs of desire in the Apple Savior

As you read above, it is believed that apples on this day are endowed with magical properties. People make wishes and eat them, hoping to fulfill their cherished dream. Desire must be kind and light. If you conceive something negative, wish someone evil, then this desire will not come true, but will return to you as a boomerang.

Signs on the Apple Savior for a girl

  1. Unmarried girls on this day like to guess on their betrothed. There is a sign that advises to buy a favorite apple this day, then he will be faithful and not stop loving.
  2. In the old days young girls danced around apple trees, singing ritual songs.
  3. In the Apple saved many girls "talk" apples. The conspiracy can be anything, the main thing with good intentions. Mostly whisper conspiracies for the preservation of youth and beauty, attracting love and for early marriage. Advise to do the procedure with twelve apples and alternately eat them during the holiday or within 3 days after its end. It is desirable that apples were of different varieties.

Signs on Apple saved for married women

  1. Marrying the Apple Spas - the best sign . This marriage presages to be strong and reliable, the couple will live in love and harmony.
  2. A married woman should make a spring cleaning in her home for the holiday. One ancient sign warns that if the mistress leaves a mess in the house on this big holiday, then she does not see luck all year. To correct the situation it will be possible only to the next Spas.