To break a mirror is a sign

The old signs enveloped the mirror with a mystical halo: energy can be taken away, and beauty and the dead through it can penetrate our world (it's not for nothing that the mirror is traditionally hung in a house where the deceased was recently deported), and the betrothed will be shown. But from all this list there will be one, which takes us by surprise. When it suddenly breaks up unexpectedly.

If the mirror is broken - this is a bad omen. It promises seven difficult years, which will be full of disappointments. "Seven years of misfortune" - surely you've heard such a verdict. Be that as it may, even if we are not prone to superstitions, programming ourselves for a seven-year period of failure is easier than ever.

What to do?

To begin with, calm down. If you think about what people mean, you can understand that many of them are based on ignorance. When the world seems like a complete mystery, people tend to make objects and phenomena mystical power. However, with mirrors, and the truth, you need to be careful. So, if you broke a mirror:

By the way, if you broke the glass, do not connect it with the sign of a broken mirror. Remember better another, about the dishes (which can be glass) - for luck!

Other "mirror" beliefs

Let's find out what other special women's signs connected with the mirror existed among the people:

And, at last, remember that mirrors do not store information selectively. They capture both misfortune and great joy. Therefore, try to smile more often at your reflection and do not hesitate to tell him "I love you!".