Fat Burning Drinks

It will improve your mood or not, but you will know that there is not a single woman in the world who would have fat spread evenly over her body. Even breathing on the incense from thinness of the top models have their problem zones, which make themselves felt as soon as they "violate the rules."

After all, we are angry, basically, not because of the fact that they are full, but because we have thick hips, protruding belly, too bulky buttocks. In order to defeat fat in one single place, it is necessary to fight against it on all fronts. And this means - proper nutrition, training and a small secret weapon - fat-burning drinks.

Fat Burning beverages - composition

Prepared at home, fat-burning drinks, most often, consist of the following, over-active in terms of the effect on fat, products:

Cooking a fat burner

Let's start with making a fat-burning drink from ginger, that is, Sassi's water. This drink combines the best fat burners in the world, as a result of consumption, the work of the digestive tract normalizes, metabolism is accelerated, excess fluid is eliminated.

To prepare, pour 2 liters of jug of still water in a pitcher and add to it:

We leave the drink for the night in the fridge, from the next morning we start to lose weight! 1 pitcher for 1 day.

Now take care that the process of losing weight is not suspended and in a dream. In this we will help fat-burning drink from kefir, which must be drunk just before bedtime.

It is a protein drink, and the assimilation of proteins always leads to the fact that the body receives fewer calories than just spent on their digestion. That is, it is a drink with a negative calorie content. If in parallel with how you are looking for ways to prepare a fat burning drink and fast weight loss, you will also be engaged in power training - the effect will be simply excellent. The build-up of muscle mass will result in fat being split even at rest, because muscles consume a lot of calories.

So, for kefir fat burner we need to mix in a blender 1 tbsp. kefir, a pinch of red hot pepper, ½ tsp cinnamon and ginger. Important : the cocktail should be immediately drunk with foam.