What can not be done at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin?

There are many church holidays, but only some of them can be called important. These include the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on September 21. Since ancient times, it is believed that this holiday should be held in a special way, observing the existing signs and traditions. In addition, it is important to know what can not be done at the Nativity of the Virgin, in order not to sin and not to anger the Higher Forces. The prohibitions that apply to this day are not so many, so it's easy to learn them.

What can not be done at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin?

First of all, it should be said that on this holiday it is forbidden to engage in manual labor, so ironing, washing, and also working in the garden should be postponed for another day. The only exception is the preparation of festive meals. A mandatory list of things that can not be done on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, includes the intake of meat and uneaten food, as well as alcoholic beverages. It is allowed to eat fish from which broths are prepared, as well as pies, as they are the main treat on the festive table. After a meal, in no case can you sweep away the crumbs from the table and if there are many, then they are given to dogs or other pets.

Fasting concerns not only food intake, but also purity of thoughts. It is necessary to avoid conflict situations and, first of all, not quarrel with close people. It is important to learn to find compromises. It is impossible not only to speak badly, but also to think.

It is worthwhile to understand not only what can not be done at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but what is allowed and even recommended to do on this holiday. Start the day with a campaign in the church , where you should pray and thank God. Another tradition is to bake pies with different fillings and treat them to all relatives, guests, and those in need.