Women's coat from a plaschevki on a sintepone

Plashevka - a fabric, famous for its water-repellent properties. All this is possible, thanks to a special impregnation of the material. And women's coats made of plaschevki on sintepon not only do not crumple, well preserving their shape, but also very light.

Features stylish coat of plashevki

This is the perfect outerwear for the cold season, harsh winter. To date, there are many varieties of coats from plashevki, among which the most popular are quilted models.

Who said that in the cold you need to feel like a bulb, because of the large amount of warm clothes put on? - Modern coats of plastchevka, the basis of which is sintepon, warm at any temperature of the air. So, the filler in the form of silicone synthepone, sintepukha or sherstepone is not enough that does not roll down during washing, but does not give the coat excessive "roundness", bulkiness.

Choose a warm coat from plashevki

Such outerwear not only helps to combine incongruous styles, but also can hide the flaws of the figure. So, pyshnototelym beauties are recommended to pay attention to products with frequent stitching, which allows you to reduce the amount of filler. In addition, a special charm coat will give a curly and a line of "herringbone". Will help to emphasize the shape of the belt.

Proper care of a woman's coat from a plaschevka on sintepone

Neither plaschevka, nor sintepon during washing will not be washed down and will not lose the properties. True, this is possible provided that all the rules for the care of the product are observed: