Pressure of 140 to 90 - what does this mean, and how to stop the development of hypertension?

An important indicator of human health is arterial pressure, which is often included in the complex of mandatory diagnostic measures when you contact a doctor with certain complaints and can be monitored by the patient independently at home. When the tonometer shows a pressure of 140 to 90, what does this mean, consider later.

Pressure 140 to 90 - is this normal?

Using a tonometer, one should understand which indicators are considered optimal, and which ones are increased or decreased. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the average statistical data accepted for the norm, but also individual values ​​of blood pressure inherent in a particular patient. If the pressure is fixed at 140 to 90, what this means is definitely impossible to say.

It is believed that for a healthy middle-aged adult, the ideal pressure should be 120 to 80 mm Hg. and deviation of indicators should not exceed 10-15 units in one and the other side. These values ​​can normally be higher for the elderly and professional athletes, reaching 135 to 85. With this in mind, 140 by 90 is a high pressure, and reaching such limits indicates a disruption of the body. In this case, a diagnosis of "first-degree hypertension, the initial stage" can be made.

Pressure 140 to 90 causes

Each person has short-term blood pressure jumps, including 140-by-90 episodes of pressure. It is necessary to distinguish states when such indicators of the tonometer are not something dangerous, from developing hypertension. In the event of a disease, the increase in pressure is fixed constantly or regularly, and physiological pressure jumps can be provoked by the following reasons:

If these factors are eliminated, the pressure will be normal if the person is healthy. If, however, a person actually develops pathological hypertension, then this must be confirmed by numerous pressure measurements that are carried out either in the home or in a hospital setting according to a certain scheme. In addition, studies are being conducted to determine the origin of hypertension and the degree of damage to target organs (heart, kidney, eyes, brain).

Pressure 140 to 90 in the evening

In many people, high blood pressure is fixed in the evening, when the body's energy resources are severely depleted, and the cardiovascular system is subject to increased stress. Sometimes it is observed after a hard day of work, suffered stressful situations, mental and physical overloads, a dense dinner. In other cases, if the pressure rises to 140 by 90 in the evening, it is often associated with such pathological conditions and diseases:

Pressure 140 to 90 in the morning

In the morning, immediately after awakening, blood pressure of 140 to 90 can disturb a person due to relatively innocuous reasons:

As a rule, after a few hours the pressure increased due to the above factors, independently stabilizes. Caution should be high tonometer, recorded in the morning for a long period, which can talk about different pathologies, among which:

Constant pressure 140 to 90

When there is a chronic pressure of 140 to 90, what this means and what is caused, it is necessary to find out by contacting a doctor. At first, hypertension can not manifest itself in any way, it can be asymptomatic, while gradually causing deviations in the functioning of the whole organism. Let's list the main reasons why the pressure is kept at 140 to 90:

Is the pressure 140 or 90 dangerous?

If the human pressure of 140 to 90 is observed sporadically due to obvious reasons (alcohol intake, stress, exercise, etc.), and the tonometer indices independently come back to normal without medication, such conditions are not considered dangerous. It's another matter when high figures are noted for a long time without obvious reasons.

Although the vessels are able to withstand such blood pressure and there is still no reason for panic, it is worthwhile to understand that this condition negatively affects the internal organs. The longer the cardiovascular system will work under these conditions, the more it will wear out. If you do not take any measures, pressure can increase even more, there is a high risk of hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke.

Pressure 140 to 90 in pregnancy

Women who are preparing to become mothers should monitor blood pressure, and every visit to a woman's consultation is accompanied by the measurement of this indicator. High pressure in this position is extremely undesirable and can cause fetal hypoxia, slowing embryo growth, placental insufficiency, early placental abruption and other abnormalities. Pressure in a pregnant woman of 140 to 90 is a borderline, and if such figures are fixed stably, you need to find out the reasons and prescribe the treatment.

Pressure 140 to 90 for a man

In view of the peculiarities of the lifestyle and the hormonal background, the increased pressure of 140 to 90 in men is not uncommon, and in most cases such values ​​of the tonometer are fixed in the age group over fifty. The decisive role in whether this is considered pathology is played by the regularity with which high blood pressure is determined, and how a person feels at such values ​​of a tonometer.

Pressure 140 \ 90 in the child

The norms of blood pressure in children differ from those for adults. So, in children 3-5 years old it should not exceed 116 by 76 mm Hg. in schoolchildren 6-9 years - no more than 122 per 78 mm Hg. In adolescence, the maximum figures can be 136 to 86. If a child or a teenager has a pressure of 140 to 90, this can also be an episodic phenomenon caused by strong emotional experiences, physical activity, and so on. Regularly marked in the child's pressure of 140 to 90 - this is a symptom of pathology, which means that you need to see a doctor.

Pressure 140 to 90 - what to do?

If the tonometer first shows high figures, than to bring down the pressure 140 by 90, depends on some additional factors, including the state of health of a person. With increased blood pressure, a person may feel fever, rapid heartbeat, headache, weakness, often reddening of the face and swelling of the veins. It is possible and complete absence of any uncomfortable sensations. When the pressure 140 times 90 is fixed several times, what to take is to be consulted by a doctor who will recommend a number of non-medicamentous prescriptions:

Is it necessary to bring down the pressure 140 to 90?

On the question of whether it is necessary to reduce the pressure 140/90, specialists answer that at first one should take expectant tactics, lie down or sit down, trying to completely relax and rest. Perhaps in a few minutes the indicators will stabilize without any intervention. If the pressure continues to increase, it is recommended to call an ambulance. With repeated pressure surges, it is necessary to follow the prescriptions of the doctor who will prescribe the treatment after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures.

What to drink from a pressure of 140 to 90?

If the reason for the sharp increase in pressure is known, you can try to reduce it by working on this factor. For example, what to drink at a pressure of 140 to 90, associated with a nervous overexcitation, is herbal sedatives (Sedariton, Novopassit, decoction of the motherwort). At a pressure jump caused by mental overstrain, causing a vasospasm, No-shpa or Drotaverin can help. Hypotensive tablets at a pressure of 140 to 90 should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, and often to combat the disease prescribed the following drugs: