Breathing exercises

It is believed that with intermittent, intense breathing, a person becomes more nervous, easily excitable. Subtle breath corresponds to a calm, balanced and harmonious state. Whether this is from the scientific point of view is a question to the doctors. But, fortunately, unlike many unpleasant aspects of our life, we can correct breathing at our discretion, which means, to influence the quality of our life and mood. That's why breathing exercises are so popular for stress relief.

There are a lot of varieties of exercises for breathing exercises. Correct breathing underlies many techniques and methods of therapeutic and preventive and restorative action. Let's consider the most known complexes of exercises for breathing aimed at the effective use of the lungs, not related to medicine.


Yoga is an ancient gymnastics, which consists of asanas (poses) and pranayams (exercises for breathing). Any asana in yoga is performed only after acquaintance with the principles of respiratory technology with the example of simple exercises and, of course, it is better to do this with the instructor. Improper performance of simple at first sight poses can be fraught with problems.

Each pranayama has its own name, corresponds to a certain level of skill and is performed only in special poses, mostly sitting on the floor with a straight back. Do better on an empty stomach and at the same time.

One of the exercises of respiratory gymnastics in yoga is anuloma viloma. When it is done, close the right nostril with your thumb and inhale through the free nostril. Hold your breath, but do not overdo it. After that, close the free nostril with your finger and exhale very slowly through the right one. And immediately inhale through it. After exhalation through the left nostril, the pranayama cycle will be completed. Inhale, delay and exhalation are related in duration as 1: 4: 2.

But beginners, of course, it is better to practice the basic breathing exercise in yoga, which consists of three stages and involves all the departments of the lungs. Stand straight, raise your head, lower your arms, close your eyes and relax. We begin the exercise with diaphragmatic breathing: we lower the diaphragm downwards and work at the expense of the abdomen, while holding the so-called lower lock (we pull in the pelvic organs). Then smoothly we pass on chest breathing - we expand a breast and slightly tighten a stomach. And finally, we pass to the upper breath: raise the upper ribs, straighten, without lifting up, shoulders. Do not hold your breath, we do an active exhalation in the same order "from below-up". Relax the lower lock and begin to draw in the belly, then the ribs will fall and at the very end - the ribs and shoulders.


Special breathing exercises are also included in the ancient Chinese qigong system as a very important component. The technique is based on the same principles as in the above-described breathing exercise of the three stages in yoga. Beginners are encouraged to divide the stages and work out each type of breathing exercises separately: bottom, middle and upper. You can exhale both through the mouth and through the nose.

After proper training and acquisition of breathing control skills, it will be possible to proceed to full-fledged Qigong exercise. With regular practice, you note not only the health effect, but learn to control emotions, mood, your inner world will be filled with harmony, and the outer one will become brighter and more colorful.

Of course, one can be skeptical about the magic effect of a complex of breathing exercises. But, of course, one thing - no matter how well-being, therapeutic-prophylactic or simply a sports complex you did not take, in any case there will be recommendations on breathing. At a minimum, take a deep breath and perform the exhale exercise, and even watch the rhythm of breathing. One has only to remember - all breathing exercises, as a rule, are part of a whole complex of activities and practices and everything is interconnected in it, aimed at self-improvement of the person as a whole. Such activities require a serious and responsible approach. Enthusiasm without the necessary knowledge and understanding, how everything works, without consulting with professionals can harm you.

Breathe in full breast, joyfully and for your own pleasure!