Calorie consumption

The best option to lose weight or keep yourself in shape is the right balanced diet . In order not to overload the body, you need to calculate the calorie consumption per day. Each person has an individual metabolism. How often did you see slender girls who eat a lot and do not get better or full of ladies who should eat extra macaroni - and already a significant gain in weight. This is a matter of metabolism and calorie consumption.

Average calorie consumption per day

There is a necessary minimum of energy costs, allowing a person to exist. Even if you lie all day, doing nothing, the body will spend energy on breathing, circulation, digestion, etc. Naturally, even in this case, the daily calorie consumption will be individual, but from about 1200 to 1600 calories. Therefore, all express diets, whose energy value is less, can greatly damage health.

There is a generally accepted rule to lose weight comfortably and not to stress the body. Comfort is considered to be weight loss from 300g to 500g per week. To do this, it is enough to reduce the ration by 400-500 kcal, while the total energy value of your dishes should be more than 1600 kcal per day.

The expenditure of calories per day is completely different for men and women. Genetically due to the fact that the male body has more muscle mass, which not only makes men stronger physically, but also requires more energy. Women have more fat mass (compared to men, as a percentage). This is necessary for the normal functioning of all hormonal systems, as well as for bearing children. The historical role of the woman-keeper of the hearth does not imply great motor activity. Maybe that's why the average caloric intake per day for women is much less than for men.

Factors affecting caloric intake

An important indicator that affects the expenditure of calories is age. The older the person, the slower his metabolism. Of course, there are cases when the energy costs for providing a young person's body are lower than for older women. Age is not the only factor that affects the daily consumption of calories.

In addition to age, it is necessary to take into account the height and weight, as well as the percentage of muscles and fat, at least approximate. For example, you can consider two girls, whose height and weight are the same, but the amount of fat in the body is different. It's easy to find out even visually. With equal growth and weight, a girl with a larger muscle mass will look slimmer. It has long been known that muscles have about 4 times more weight per kilogram than fat. In other words, they occupy much less volume in space. In addition, to provide the muscles with the energy necessary for their proper functioning and functioning, much more kilocalories are spent than on providing the vital activity of the same weight of fat.

Another important factor determining the average daily caloric expenditure is the profession. The energy costs of people working in the office or on the construction site will be radically different. Even if the growth, weight and age will coincide. The level of physical activity can be low, small, medium and high. At a low level, the caloric intake per day will be the smallest. The higher the total activity of a person during the day, the more energy it will take.

There are two main ways to increase your caloric intake, you need to move more and eat right. Frequent meals in small portions provide a good metabolism, which in turn affects the average daily calorie expenditure. Also, remember that the more you move, the more energy you spend.