How to look beautiful without makeup?

The means of decorative cosmetics have long and successfully been used by women to give their image an identity. Make-up has become a familiar and integral part of almost every woman's life. But the constant application of makeup can cause premature aging and wilting of the skin. Refusing to make-up (even everyday), you can avoid these troubles. But, how to look beautiful without makeup, feel confident and comfortable and do not use a huge arsenal of cosmetics?

Day regimen and nutrition

First of all, to have a beautiful face without make-up, you need to organize a full eight-hour sleep. This will eliminate any puffiness and blue under the eyes. And also, to improve the complexion, drink plenty of water, but avoid carbonated drinks. Try to eat at the same time, while consuming a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Means for skin care

In order not to wonder "how to look beautiful without make-up?", Take the rule in the morning and evening to wash with cool water. In the morning it will cheer, and in the evening - relieve fatigue. You can use a chilled detergent suitable for your skin type . Do not forget about scrubs. Dead cells give the skin a dull look. After cleansing and exfoliation, the pores are opened, the skin begins to breathe. In addition, it must be remembered that direct sunlight is harmful to the skin. Therefore, do not neglect sunscreen.

Facial and hairstyle

To have a beautiful face and without the use of cosmetics, it is necessary to follow the features of the face. First of all, the shape of the eyebrows. By changing or just correcting the shape of the eyebrows, you can significantly improve your image, add freshness and novelty.

Solve the problem of "how to look beautiful without make-up" is impossible, without paying proper attention to hair. First of all, the hair should be clean, healthy, have a well-groomed appearance. Choose neat hairstyles and haircuts, and for coloring your hair - colors with natural shades. Remember that bright, aggressive colors and shocking hairstyles do not harmonize with a face without any make-up.

Beautiful women's faces without make-up are, first of all, natural, real beauty. And the main secret of such beauty is simple - one must be well-groomed and love oneself.