How to make the brain work?

"Think, head, I'll buy a hat" - sometimes this mantra helps achieve insight, but more often it causes irritation due to total impotence to make the brain work 100%. Is it possible in principle? Probably, you need to have really outstanding abilities to be able to concentrate at any time and solve all the problems that have arisen. This is partly true, but any abilities need to be developed, and besides, there are several tricks that will help to activate brain activity.

How to make the brain work faster and better?

  1. Science does not yet know everything about sleep, but one thing is certain - its lack seriously affects both the physical and mental state. Of course, everyone needs to rest individually: someone can sleep 7 hours a day and feel great, and someone and 9-hour hugging with a pillow is not enough. Therefore, if you are sure that there is a lack of rest in your mental stupor, then the recipe how to make the brain work better will be to ensure a normal sleep. And you need to do this every day, if you do not get enough sleep once, then the next day to fill the lack of rest with grief in half you can, but longer refusal of normal sleep will have to be repaired for a very long time.
  2. The second general recommendation for improving brain activity is proper nutrition. It is important not only to give the body enough calories, but also provide it with the necessary substances to extract the energy needed by the brain. Lecithin (eggs, fatty herring, vegetable unrefined oil), coenzyme Q10 (beef, peanuts, herring), vitamins and fatty acids (fish, seafood, vegetable oils, eggs, meat) are of great help.
  3. Another way to make the brain work faster is to improve blood supply. Therefore, any kind of physical activity will be useful in the case of a complex problem. You do not have to go to the gym, you can just take a walk at lunch or after work.
  4. Try to control your actions. The fact is that we do a lot of things automatically, without thinking. If you are aware of each step, completely concentrating on one thing, it will clear the mind of scraps of unnecessary thoughts, which will give space for fresh ideas.
  5. Investigating the activity of the brain, scientists found that it has a special influence on musical works. In principle, these theories have existed for a long time, but official science has long considered them insolvent. Now scientists are sure that music that makes the brain work, however, doubts genres. They managed to get along only in the fact that classical music stimulates brain activity.

List of works:

  1. The Cinematic Orchestra - First Light
  2. Caliban - I Am Rebellion
  3. Akissforjersey - War
  4. Asking Alexandria - Hysteria
  5. Omharmonic - Concentration
  6. The Cinematic Orchestra - Everyday
  7. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
  8. Wilhelm Richard Wagner - Die Hochzeit
  9. Abu Ali and Abu Muhammad - Kuntu Maitan
  10. Craig Armstrong - Piano Works

And one more important recommendation - do not lose curiosity. If you constantly surprise yourself with new knowledge, the brain will always be active, as soon as you lose the desire to learn, then the brain will have no need to maintain itself in the tone, to perform the usual actions, especially to strain and not necessary.