Peppermint - medicinal properties and contraindications

Peppermint is a perennial plant that belongs to the family of the Chernovokovs. He has a tetrahedral stem, empty inside. In height, it can reach a meter. The leaves of the plant are recognized by everyone. If not in appearance, then by smell. Some people just for the refreshing pleasant aroma are grown in pots of mint. Although, of course, much more often the plant is kept on the windowsill just as a home doctor for all occasions. And in order to use it more effectively, it is worth to learn more about the medicinal properties and contraindications of peppermint.

Composition and useful properties of mint

The most valuable in peppermint are stems and leaves. Collect them best before the plant starts to bloom. It was during this period that the grass contains the greatest amount of menthol. But this is far from the only useful component that is in the composition of mint. The plant is rich:

All these substances provide the presence of useful properties and contraindications for peppermint. Due to the high content of menthol, the plant can exert a powerful bactericidal action. In addition, it is used as:

In the absence of warnings and contraindications, the properties of peppermint can be used to normalize the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Plant:

But this is not all:

  1. With the help of medicines prepared on the basis of mint, many adherents of folk methods of treatment clean the liver and remove stones from the gallbladder.
  2. Those who do not have any warnings and contraindications to the use of beneficial properties of peppermint tincture, the medicine is recommended to be used at high temperatures, angina, pharyngitis, runny nose and other ailments of the respiratory and broncho-pulmonary systems.
  3. Menthol when penetrating the body contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. Therefore, in small quantities, peppermint is recommended for patients with angina pectoris .
  4. Therapeutic properties of tincture peppermint - if it is not prohibited and not contraindicated - can be used to treat migraines and severe headaches. The product is either rubbed on the temples or used as a basis for inhalation.
  5. Esters and other useful components contained in the grass, favorably affect the nervous system.
  6. Dentists advise to rinse the oral cavity with a mint solution for the destruction of dangerous pathogens.
  7. If you take mint-based medicines with menopause, it will be much easier to adapt to all the changes that occur during this period.

Contraindications to mint application

Any medicine can not be considered safe for one hundred percent. In the herb and peppermint leaves, in addition to medicinal properties, there are also contraindications:

  1. The plant can not be used for people with allergies and individual intolerance to substances from the composition.
  2. With caution, mint should be treated with varicose veins - may begin to exacerbate.
  3. It is very important not to exceed the dosage. Otherwise, if you take too much mint medicine, will begin to sleep.
  4. Do not give mint to small children. The plant causes depression and even stopping breathing.
  5. It is undesirable to take the plant during pregnancy. But with severe toxemia, it can be the only salvation.