Indian onion - vodka tincture

This leafy plant you probably know. The original appearance and medicinal properties, which the bird-cheesecake (this is the true name of the onion), has a lot, helped the plant to win the favor of many florists. Traditional medicine recommends a flower for the treatment of various diseases. A tincture of Indian onion on vodka is considered one of the most popular and effective forms of using this medicinal plant.

Healing Indian onion

Indian or as it is also called - Chinese onion - the plant is very useful. Traditional medicine opened it up for itself a few decades ago. The secret of the success of the flower is in the rich in useful substances and trace elements. And you can benefit from absolutely any part of the plant: onion, leaf, arrows with a flower - healing juice is very active.

Use the plant can be fresh, lubricating sore spots with juice, but still mostly specialists resort to using tincture of Indian onion on vodka. In general, it is possible to apply a flower (in any of its forms) to solve such problems:

  1. The most common application is for the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint diseases.
  2. With the help of a birdwort, you can fight with dermatological diseases.
  3. Lubricating whiskey with the juice of the plant, you can quickly get rid of the headache .
  4. Indian onion fights with itching with insect bites.
  5. The juice of the flower removes inflammation and reduces swelling, so it is often used to combat abscesses, wounds, tumors, bruises .
  6. Indian onions can also be used as a local anesthetic - the pain with it is removed in a matter of minutes.

Preparation and use of tincture of Indian onion

In addition, that tincture, prepared from Chinese onions, is very useful, you can make it easily at home. There are a lot of recipes for the preparation of the remedy, and we will share the most effective ones with you.

The tincture can be prepared from a bulb of a birdmeal:

  1. Finely chopped parts of the flower should be filled with vodka in the proportion of one to three.
  2. This remedy is infused for a month (it should be shaken from time to time).
  3. After that, it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Apply tincture of Indian onion for compresses and rubbing.

The recipe for the tincture on the leaves is similar, but the proportion is chosen one to ten, and the remedy is slightly less - up to two weeks. Then it is used for rubbing. Ten minutes after the procedure, the patient feels relieved.

Tincture on arrows of Indian onions is used for compresses:

  1. The plant should be finely chopped, grinded well and poured with vodka (half-liter - the optimal dose).
  2. The product is poured into a sealed container and insisted from a couple of weeks to a month in the heat.

Compresses with tincture will save from radiculitis and relieve the deposition of salts.

For another recipe tincture will need all the parts of Indian onion, combined:

  1. The cut parts of the plant are mixed with vodka (usually 700 grams are required, but depending on the size of the plant the dose may vary) and the month is infused.
  2. After this, the product is filtered and poured into a tightly closed bottle.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare an Indian onion tincture. But, beginning the treatment, one should be very careful: the bird-bird is a poisonous plant, and therefore it is impossible to apply it too much to the skin, so as not to burn yourself. Inside the flower-based funds are taken extremely rarely and in scanty doses.