Phytolacca - medicinal properties

Lakonos is an ornamental flowering plant of the family of lakonoses. The most widely spread lakonos is American, which in Latin is called "phytolacca" and has a mass of medicinal properties. In medicine, the roots and berries of this plant are used, although leaves with flowers can also benefit the body.

Therapeutic properties of phytolacchi or lakonos

The roots of this plant, which color should be yellowish-white, not red, indicating the presence of poison, are rich in essential and fatty oils, saponins, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, acids, but a particular alkaloid of phytolactin, which gives them anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, laxative, wound-healing and other properties. The berries of phytolacchi also contain valuable vitamins and microelements, organic acids, tannins, anthocyanins.

Application of phytolacchi

When skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis apply compresses based on the roots and leaves of this plant. They can improve the condition of the patient and with rheumatism, polyarthritis, radiculitis. Freshly cut leaves are applied to furuncles, bursting ulcers, hemorrhoids. Alcohol tincture is used to treat tonsillitis, pharyngitis , sore throat, laryngitis, using for ingestion and rinsing of the throat and oral cavity. In official medicine, such drugs as merifite and anginol are used to treat these ailments, and with rheumatism, radiculitis and others it is customary to fight with phytolacin and asco- phyte.

However, the medicinal properties of the American or phylactical lakonos have also been reflected in the recipes of folk medicine, here are some of them:

  1. To prepare the ointment from the roots for the treatment of squamous lichen, skin cancer and other skin ailments dry, powdered roots, it is necessary to mix with butter in the proportion 1:10. To smear a sore spot several times a day.
  2. To make a tincture pour dry roots of vodka in a ratio of 1:10, after 3 weeks of infusion, strain and drink 5-6 drops 3-4 times a day for viral diseases of the throat and oral cavity. As already mentioned, use for rinsing.
  3. To enhance diuresis and mild laxative action, an infusion is prepared: 2 tbsp. l. Leaf pour a glass of freshly boiled water, insist, until it cools down and drink a day in fractional small sips.