Can I knit for pregnant women?

Many pregnant women, especially those who are fond of needlework, want to tie the dowry for the future baby. Starting their favorite pastime, many women may encounter information about the prohibition of knitting during pregnancy.

Can I knit during pregnancy? Knit during pregnancy is not prohibited. From a medical point of view, there are no contraindications to this hobby for a pregnant woman.

Why can not pregnant women be knit?

There is a belief that pregnant women can not be knit. If you knit during pregnancy, the child at birth can wrap around the cord or there will be a knot on the umbilical cord . This belief has no connection with the given medical problem and is superstition. From a scientific point of view, there is no evidence of this fact. The belief that it is impossible to knit pregnant women is based on the fact that in olden days they knit in a little ventilated room, sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position.

Can I Crochet Pregnant Women?

You can knit during pregnancy with knitting needles or crochet. Crocheting is fascinating and interesting. This hobby reassures the expectant mother. From a psychological point of view, knitting things for the baby prepares her for future motherhood, because she shows the first concern for the baby.

Can I knit with needles?

Knitting for pregnant women with knitting needles is one of the most common occupations during this period of life. Knitting needles for pregnant women is not contraindicated. Getting carried away by knitting, the future mother can prepare for the kid many necessary things, such as hats, blankets, socks, booties and many other things. Knitting usually uses natural materials, which will make the future baby feel comfortable. You can use yarn made of wool, cotton, linen. The baby grows very fast, so it's better to tie things to him in several sizes.

Knitting rules for pregnancy

Of course, you can knit pregnant women, despite all the superstitions. But, taking a great interest in this useful activity, remember that you need to knit:

Alternate your hobby with walking in the fresh air. Knit until the first fatigue. Do not take knitting as a compulsory job that needs to be done. Knit for your pleasure and for your baby.