A newborn crumb says goodbye to his twin brother

A touching story about the twins Hoke and Mason for several days now tears the hearts of users of social networks. But alas, if usually such stories end with a happy ending, you'll have to finish reading about these kids with tears in their eyes ...

It turns out that one of the newborn babies in the family of Brandy Gettler and Tommy Buckmayer was born with an ailment incompatible with life - a congenital diaphragmatic hernia.

Little Hawk

Mom knew that her baby Hoku could not cope with the disease and asked everyone not indifferent to ease his fate with his prayer. But, alas, a few days later on the page in the social network the family reported the sad news - "their little cute little man came back home to be near Jesus."

But shortly before the death of Hock, Brandy and Tommy managed to make the main photo in their life - to capture how Mason says goodbye to his twin brother!

Incredibly, but despite the fact that Hawke all the days after birth steadfastly transferred the treatment from an inborn defect, there was almost no need to soothe him. What can not you say about his own half.

Little Hawk struggling with ailment

"Mason really was very restless," says the mother of the kids, "and the nurse advised us to put it next to her brother. We did it! And as soon as Mason felt that he was next to Hock, he immediately groped for his pen and started to smile! Our kids knew who they were to each other! "

Mason says goodbye to his brother