Booties for the boy

In anticipation of the appearance of crumbs, future mothers and grandmothers try to prepare as carefully as possible. Knitted booties for the boy with knitting needles and crochet will warm the legs of the baby and delight the eyes. We suggest you tie baby booties to newborn (and older) boys.

Booties for the boy with their own hands

Crochet pinets for the boy begins with the preparation of the necessary materials:

Now consider a small step-by-step master class on knitting pinets for a boy.

1. The first thing we will tie the sole. The knitting pattern for the soles of the pinets for boys is as follows:

2. We measure the length of the child's foot and from the measurements we unfasten the chain from the air loops.

3. Next we knit booties for the boy according to the scheme. As a result, you should get such an oval shape.

4. Now start to tie the sides. We send one air loop for lifting. We will not introduce the hook into the loop of the extreme row, but its back wall.

5. We send one bar without a crochet. Thus we move to the end of the series.

6. This is the kind of side we got.

7. Next, we begin to knit the bars without the crochet over this side. Do not forget to tie one air loop for lifting each time.

8. When you knit, at the location of the little finger, make sure the hinges are trimmed. There are three such places on the toe: the little finger, the point symmetrical to the little finger and the middle between them. So we knit three rows. The result is the following.

9. The fourth series begins in the same way. In the place of decrease of the first loop, we begin to knit the bars with the crochet to the opposite point. Such a scheme is called "columns with a crochet with one vertex".

10. A single loop was used. The hook should have three loops.

11. Threaded through one loop, left two loops on the hook.

12. Doing the dress ...

13. ... We mess up, and again on the hook three loops.

14. We thread through the first two loops, then through the remaining two. We will finish the row with columns without a crochet. There are two such series.

15. Further we sew in the similar way two more lines with reduction of loops. The result is:

16. Begin to tie the "windshield". From the front we sew two rows of columns without a crochet:

17. We continue to knit another family of rows with a yellow thread.

18. We decorate our "glass" with a blue thread.

19. For baby booties for newborn boys to be brighter, we tie the edge with a red thread half-hulled.

20. Bunettes for the boy are almost ready. Headlamps and wheels knit as follows: five air loops are assembled in a ring and tied with columns without a crochet, while the hook is inserted into the hole.

21. Booties for the boy with their own hands are ready.