Surgery of the cervix with Surgitron

Treatment of the cervix with Surgitron is one of the best methods to solve such a common problem as erosion. Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix. It can be insignificant or very extensive, but in any case a woman who is diagnosed with erosion needs to undergo treatment. It is proved that almost any modification of the mucous membrane of the cervix in the absence of treatment will sooner or later lead to the degeneration of benign erosion into malignant formation. That is why, when it is necessary to treat erosion, one should choose the most effective method, which guarantees the achievement of the desired result.

What is the essence of cervical treatment by Surgitron?

The surrogitron is a device acting due to radio waves. High-frequency waves allow burning of soft tissues. This method of erosion treatment has proved to be the most effective, practically painless and accessible for busy women, as when using it there is no need to go to hospital and take a sick leave. Already an hour after the procedure, a woman is allowed to return to the usual rhythm of life. The only prohibition will be that within a month it is necessary to abstain from sexual contacts, so that the healing has gone as it should.

Usually for the treatment of non-extensive erosion of the cervix , one procedure for radiowave exposure is sufficient with the Surgitron apparatus. However, if necessary, the doctor can repeat the procedure two more times with an interval of two months. As a rule, after the third session of Surgutron's device, healing of the defect of the mucous membrane of the cervix occurs in 100% of cases.

Effects of cervical cancer Surgitron

Treatment of cervical erosion with Surgitron has been shown even to nulliparous women, whereas most other methods used to treat erosions pose a threat to pregnancy, as the cervix is ​​seriously injured. With Surgitron, no traumatization occurs, and therefore pregnancy can be planned after 4-6 months after confirming the positive result after the procedure.

If necessary, a cervical biopsy of Surgutron is performed. Compared with the usual plucking of the material for the study, Surgitron simultaneously heals the scar formed during tissue collection for biopsy.

If you are concerned about cervical erosion, Surgitron is something that will definitely help you. Even if the price for the procedure seems high to you, do not save yourself and your health, because Surgitron is considered the most modern method of erosion treatment.