Tablets from thrush - one capsule

Thrush is a frequent companion of any woman of reproductive age. Fungi of the genus Candida, which cause this disease, live in the body of healthy people, only in a much lower concentration, and they can be provoked by a variety of factors. Sometimes men suffer from thrush, and even small children, because it can affect the mucous membrane of the mouth.

There are several medications for the treatment of this disease. But do not be surprised that the doctor will prescribe you just one pill or capsule from the yeast infection, most often Fluconazole. Also often used are antifungal medications such as Nystatin, Pimafucin, Livarol, Miramistin, Clotrimazole, Gexikon and Terzhinan, but their use suggests a whole treatment regimen, and not just one method, as in the case of Fluconazole.

Treatment of thrush 1 tablet

Fluconazole is the most common drug for treatment of thrush. Indeed, in classical cases, treatment with thrush is carried out with only one tablet, and their names may be different (Diflucan, Ciskan, Flukozid, Nofung, Mikomaks, Mikoflukan, Mycosyst, etc.). In all these preparations, the active substance is the same antimycotic agent used to treat and prevent candidiasis of various forms.

Tablets and suppositories Nystatin is an antibacterial drug against thrush. He is prescribed to treat a disease that often recurs. The use of tablets and capsules, unlike candles and ointments, is very practical, because such treatment can be done anywhere and at any convenient time.

In addition, such a drug in tablets is much more effective than a similar local medicine, because it can treat candidiasis of any form.

Application in the treatment of only 1 tablet of thrush is due to the extraordinary effectiveness of these agents against candida fungi. Only 150 mg of Fluconazole works miracles, eliminating the characteristic itching and burning sensation in the yeast infection after 2 hours, and the greatest effect is observed after 24 hours after taking the drug.

Treating thrush 1 tablet is convenient and effective, but do not self-medicate. The doctor must prescribe one of the medications, based on the data of the gynecological examination and tests. For example, with acute and chronic recurrent candidiasis, different medications are prescribed, and only a qualified specialist can do it.