Warming of the cap from the outside with penokleksom

This material does a good job with its functions, namely it keeps the heat perfectly, weighs a little, is easily cut and mounted. The density of this material does not allow it to be fixed with standard adhesive compositions, since its adhesion is low, but this in no way complicates the installation and does not affect the quality.

Warming the cap with penoplex by one's own hands

  1. Since the difficulty of warming the base is in the poor adhesion of the foam, you must first apply a layer of penetrating primer, then you remove the excess dust and grip the materials.
  2. The next step of the base insulation is fixing the outside of the profile for the installation of the foam board.
  3. We work further on the insulation of the socle and proceed to kneading with our own hands a solution for fixing the foam from outside. Ready mixes usually sell with the indication of proportions, we take only special mixes under polystyrene plates.
  4. The mixture for the insulation of the base is ready, we proceed to gluing the penopolix. The photo shows how the glue composition is applied to the back of each tile. First along the perimeter, then a few point applications with a spatula.
  5. Further, according to the instructions for the insulation of the cap, we literally install the foam polystyrene plates from the outside on the profile, which was previously fixed with our own hands. Gently hold down and a little rattling, ironing, so that the glue grabbed.
  6. It is important to carefully install the plate in its place, press it against the wall as tightly as possible.
  7. But this is only the first part of the installation of plates. After you have planted everything on the adhesive composition, you should additionally fix the dowel-umbrellas.
  8. We make holes simply through the slab of the required diameter. The photo shows that we will additionally fix each plate in the corners and in the center.
  9. Install the dowel-umbrellas in the prepared holes.
  10. Further on the finished surface we apply a layer of adhesive composition. On top of it is laid reinforcing mesh. It not only helps to complete the process of warming the cap, but also allows you to put another layer of adhesive solution on the outside, on top of the peno-plex.

Thus, we have received a so-called heat-insulating pie. Further on it will be applied the final decorative plaster or other decorative materials. Due to the grid and several layers of adhesive composition, each layer will reliably hold, and over the years you will not encounter the problem of irradiation. In this case, the basement part of the house will be warm and damp with fungus will not catch you unawares.