Thistle oil

Oil from the seeds of milk thistle is obtained by cold pressing. Due to its unique biochemical composition it is the most valuable dietary product and shows a variety of medicinal properties. Oil of milk thistle is widely used in folk medicine and natural cosmetics.

Composition of thistle oil

The composition of thistle oil includes:

Oil of milk thistle shows its useful properties due to the powerful hepatoprotector - silimarin - which is part of its composition. Silymarin is a unique complex of the strongest natural antioxidants-flavolignanes. The composition of a plant product, like milk thistle oil, also includes chlorophyll, which causes its greenish shade.

Treatment-prophylactic properties

In folk medicine has long been known that he heals the thistle oil. This powerful hepatoprotective agent has a wide range of properties useful to the human body:

Indications for the use of a product such as milk thistle oil can be very diverse. It promotes the regeneration of liver cells, improves the detoxification function of the liver and its metabolic processes, does not allow the development of inflammatory processes in the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level in the blood, improves the cardiovascular system, maintains normal blood coagulability .

Oil from the seeds of milk thistle is quite effective in the complex treatment of constipation and is very useful in traumatic injuries and skin diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-allergic properties. Depending on the disease, the way of using the milk thistle oil is chosen. For example, in the complex treatment of erosion of the cervix, it is used in the form of interginal applications, and when the skin is injured it is used in the form of creams, lotions and baths.

Oil of milk thistle in cosmetology

High content of various substances that have a healthy and beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, widely and successfully spread the milk thistle oil in cosmetics.

Oil from the seeds of milk thistle is popular in cosmetics for the face, because with regular external application it perfectly nourishes the skin, Protects against peeling, protects it from loss of moisture, maintaining elasticity, firmness and fresh skin color.

Butter is a good remedy for acne. It calms the inflamed, irritated or sensitive skin, and also protects it from the effects of various allergens, preventing further development of acne.

Such oil will help prevent the appearance of "vascular asterisks", but it will increase blood and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous fat layer, which is an excellent means of combating cellulite deposits.

Oil of milk thistle is used for active growth of hair and nails, and also for their strengthening and restoration.

The milk thistle oil in cosmetology is most often used as one of the ingredients of home creams, balms, masks, skin cleansers or makeup remover, and also as one of the main components of massage oils.