The right side hurts during pregnancy

The state of pregnancy for a woman is quite unusual. During this period, she observes changes that occur within her body, and which can cause discomfort or discomfort. But is it worth to immediately consult a doctor in such cases? We will now try to answer this question.

The growth and development of the child provokes the growth of the uterus, as a result of which the internal organs of the woman are displaced. This can cause pain in the abdomen or a slight tingling sensation. But, if these pains acquire a periodic character or there is a sharp pain in the side, then this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. Since there are many different organs in the abdomen, the causes of the pain can be completely different.

What hurts in the right side during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to know that the stomach is conventionally divided into four segments: the right upper, upper left, right lower and lower left. The pain in each of the segments can signal a disease of one or another internal organ. To more accurately determine the cause of pain, you need to determine the exact localization, frequency and nature of the pain.

The causes of pain in the right side may be different and for this you first need to know which organs are in the corresponding segment of the abdomen. In the upper right part of the abdomen are located: the gallbladder and liver, the right side of the diaphragm and part of the intestine. Violation of the functioning of these organs and can cause pain and discomfort. This includes the duodenum, and biliary tract. If a sharp pain occurs closer to the heart, then the cause of this may be appendicitis, curvature of the bowels or dysfunction of the right kidney.

If the pregnant woman's right side hurts from the bottom, then the cause of this can be a bladder disease, a malfunction of the right kidney, uterine appendages, inguinal hernia or appendicitis. The right side also hurts under the ectopic pregnancy . This is manifested in early pregnancy. But even if you know all this, if your stomach hurts in your right side, you should not diagnose yourself.

What if my right side hurts during pregnancy?

With moderate pain, you do not have to worry. At a scheduled visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist or to the therapist, you need to talk about what's bothering you. But, if you suffer from severe pain, you are feverish, sick and there are vomiting, then you should immediately call an ambulance. It is advisable not to take any painkillers on their own, because they can brighten the clinical picture of the disease, and it will be more difficult for a specialist to determine the cause of the pain.

Often in pregnant women, the right side and lower back aches. This happens naturally. Because of hormonal changes in the body, muscles, ligaments and joints relax. The woman is gaining weight, her posture varies, as a result of which the load on the spine increases. Pregnant women with back pain are the most common. Particularly affected by it are pregnant women, who for many reasons have to spend a lot of time in one position: to stand or sit. Relieve the pain in the lower back will help calm exercises, for example, walking, stretching. You can do massage, but it should be easy, it's rather stroking your back. Positively affects aromatherapy, it will help to relax.

If a woman is pregnant and her right side hurts, you should if possible take a horizontal position, relax, to eliminate the tone of the abdominal muscles. At the doctor's appointment you need to ask all the questions that interest you. Including wondering what to do if the right side hurts. After all, it depends on you, how will the pregnancy and the health of your child.