Nephropathy of pregnant women

At the heart of nephropathy of pregnant women are lesions of renal capillaries, which is one of the forms of late toxicosis and occurs, as a rule, in the third trimester of pregnancy. Problems with the kidneys during pregnancy do not promise anything good, it is important to determine the onset of the disease in time and immediately seek help from a doctor. Without the necessary treatment, nephropathy flows into a chronic illness that threatens both the future mother and the child, and in some cases the termination of pregnancy and even death.

How to identify kidney disease during pregnancy?

The first sign that should alert you is the appearance of edema. You can make a small test: press your thumb on the inner surface of the shins and hold for a few seconds. If in the place you clicked on, a hole was formed - this is puffiness. Although a pregnant woman often notices swelling by the way it becomes small shoes or it is difficult to remove from the fingers of the ring. There are also latent edemas, they can be determined by excessive weight gain. In addition, to detect nephropathy during pregnancy should make a urine test. If, as a result, the urine contains a protein in an amount of more than 0.033 g / l - this is the sign of kidney disease and pregnancy now, without the intervention of doctors, can not proceed in the safest way. The increased number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, the presence of bacteria also speaks of sick kidneys during pregnancy, it can be pyelonephritis. The appearance of nephropathy is also indicated by high blood pressure, therefore, in treatment, among other drugs, also funds for hypertension are prescribed.

What causes nephropathy of pregnant women?

Very often nephropathy occurs in women who are pregnant with twins or in cases of high water levels. Affects the kidneys during pregnancy and heredity. The appearance of the disease is also preceded by:

The course of nephropathy

A pregnant woman should know that the symptoms of kidney disease persist until delivery. If you turned to the doctor on time and approached the disease with full seriousness, then the nephropathy will end with complete recovery, otherwise the disease can turn into a chronic pathology that proceeds like hypertension or glomerulonephritis and in some cases ends even with a fatal outcome. Nephropathy is quite a serious disease for both the future mother and fetus.

Treatment of kidneys during pregnancy

The huge role in the treatment of kidneys in pregnancy is played by diet. In particular, you should limit the intake of table salt and enter in the daily diet as many vitamins as possible. Pregnancy and pathology of the kidneys requires compulsory inpatient treatment. With edema, hypertension and other manifestations of nephropathy, drug treatment is struggling. Assign sedatives, for example, valerian. To increase diuresis (the volume of urine formed over a certain period of time), such drugs as hypothiazide, ureitis, lasix, aldactone, veroshpiron, etc. are used. Hypertonia is prescribed reserpine, raunatin, dibazol, papaverine, magnesium sulfate, and other antihypertensive drugs . Based on the testimony, cardiac funds can be prescribed. In the advanced stage of nephropathy, there may be a need for abortion, when large edema is accompanied by high blood pressure and changes in the fundus. In such cases, emergency measures are required.