The child coughs without stopping - what to do?

Difficulty breathing can be symptoms of various diseases. If this lasts for several days, and parents do not understand what's the matter, then you need to see a doctor. Since only a specialist can diagnose and prescribe the right treatment. Difficulty breathing provokes coughing in the child. It happens that because of these symptoms children do not sleep all night, and with them, and parents. Let's talk about why it can happen that the child coughs without stopping, and what to do about it. It is important for parents to know how they can help their children.

Causes of cough without stopping and the actions of parents

Before giving medicines and doing self-medication, you need to figure out what's wrong. To begin with, you need to understand that often coughing is good. Thus, the airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, which prevents breathing. But there may be other reasons.

  1. If a cough is preceded and accompanied by a runny nose, fever, redness of the throat, and you are inclined to the fact that it is an acute respiratory disease, it is permissible to give an expectorant. Then show the child to the doctor.
  2. The foreign body in the respiratory tract also causes a cough without stopping. The child may even begin to suffocate. If there is a suspicion of this cause, especially if the baby is very difficult to breathe, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of a doctor, ensure a fresh air supply. If the child lies, then raise it to a semi-sitting position.
  3. The cause of a continuous cough may be an allergy. For example, came with a child to the zoo and suddenly he has such a reaction. Answering the question: what to do if the child coughs, without ceasing, say that in such cases it is necessary to remove the allergen and wait until the baby calms down. If this has happened before, and you know that you need certain drugs, then use them.
  4. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by a whistle on exhalation and bouts of continuous coughing. After the doctor has established an accurate diagnosis, you will be prescribed antispasmodics, which should be used later on when coughing.
  5. False groats are a very dangerous disease. It is accompanied by a cough, shortness of breath and a hoarse voice. Therefore, if a child is sick with ARD, and his voice suddenly changes, you need to consult with your doctor again. With this disease at night, a child can cough, without ceasing, for a long time.
  6. During rhinitis mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx and makes breathing difficult. Frequent warm drinking and sucking of sugar candies helps. To ease the cough at night, you need to rinse your nose and put the baby on a high pillow so that the mucus drips forward.
  7. The cause of a strong cough without stopping can be an improper microclimate in the room: dryness and temperature above 22 degrees. Accordingly, to alleviate the condition of the child, it is necessary to ventilate the room and moisten the air, it may be useful to go out into the street.