Cones on the gum

The gums are the mucous membrane covering the teeth in the neck region. The gums consist of very delicate and lightly drained tissues that react not only to mechanical influences, but also to the general condition of the body.

The appearance of a cone on the gum

Accumulating plaque consists of a variety of bacteria, it forms a film along the edge of the gums and causes their inflammation.

A white purulent cone on the gum is a fistula. It is formed from the focus of infection to the gum and through it come out products of inflammation (pus).

Often this is the result of chronic periodontitis or poor treatment of caries. Since pus does not accumulate, but exits, painful sensations often do not occur. Therefore, not always this is considered something serious and do not rush to the doctor. But the fistula can actively develop and sprout outward, affecting the soft tissues of the face. It is important not to allow such a complication and start treatment on time.

If a purulent, painful bump on the gums appears periodically, changing its size is a manifestation of chronic periodontitis. At the same time there is also an unpleasant smell from the mouth, bleeding gums, loosening of the teeth. This is a serious disease in which inflammation also passes to bone tissue.

With granulating periodontitis, a red lump on the gums appears periodically, painful when pressed. This disease is characterized by periodontal deformation (tissue holding the tooth) by the growth of a new tissue to heal the focus of the infection.

Mechanical damage can lead to the formation of a hematoma - a soft cone on the gum. Usually it does not require treatment, the hematoma dissolves itself after a while.

Children before the teething may appear a solid painful lump on the gum, which passes after the appearance of the tooth.

Often, a hard cone on the gum is a consequence of an internal fracture of the tooth. This tooth must be removed.

A large painful lump on the gum in the root of the tooth is a flux. It is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, acute pain, which extends to the entire jaw, worsening the general condition. This is a purulent inflammation that requires immediate surgical intervention. Causes may include running caries, tooth or gum injuries.

Treatment of cones on the gum

The first thing to do when a lump on the gums appear is to go to the dentist and make a radiograph. This will help to find out the cause, the degree of the disease and to prescribe the correct treatment.

Surgery may be required (for example, with flux). Sometimes it is required to clean channels, to put seals on diseased teeth.

With a fistula, hot rinses help the best outflow of pus. To do this, dilute 0.5 teaspoons of soda and salt in a glass of hot water. Take the solution in the mouth and keep it at the problem site.

Relieve the pain and contribute to the rapid healing of the spices of St. John's wort, sage, oak bark. They can rinse your mouth after eating or apply gauze compresses.

Reduce the pain will help apply an ice compress. To do this, moisten the gauze swab in icy water and apply to the inflamed place.

Of course, traditional medicine can be used as an auxiliary, but they are also often recommended by dentists for the removal of inflammation and early healing after surgery.

Remember that the best way to keep healthy teeth and gums is prevention. Learn how to properly brush your teeth, stop smoking and excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods, take vitamin-mineral complexes.