Yellow body cyst - what can your ovaries hide?

The yellow body cyst refers to frequent gynecological disorders. Absence of a bright clinical picture, obvious symptomatology, complicates the diagnosis of the disease in the early stages. Let us consider in more detail the causes of pathology, signs and methods of treatment.

Yellow ovary cyst - what is it?

The cyst of the ovary's yellow body belongs to functional formations. This means that its formation is possible if the physiological process is disturbed, the cyclic changes that occur in the body of each girl. After ovulation in place of the graafovaya bubble, which bursts and releases a ripe sex cell, the glandular formation - the yellow body - is formed. Directly, it begins to produce progesterone , preparing the woman's body for a possible pregnancy.

When fertilization does not occur, the yellow body after the end of the luteal phase undergoes involution, the synthesis of progesterone stops. If conception occurs, the yellow body continues its development, it functions for 2-3 months, supporting pregnancy. The yellow body cyst is formed in the absence of regression of the gland, when conception does not occur. Blood circulation is disturbed, because of which gradual accumulation of serous fluid is noted. This leads to an increase in the cyst, the size of which reaches 6-8 cm.

Cyst of the yellow ovary

The cyst of the yellow body of the right ovary is fixed more often, due to the peculiarities of blood circulation and the anatomy of the female reproductive system. The exact causes of this disease can not be established. Most doctors agree that education is facilitated by impaired circulation and circulation of lymph in the tissues of the yellow body itself. Among other possible causes and provoking factors, it is customary to distinguish:

Yellow ovarian cyst - symptoms

The yellow body cyst, whose symptoms are not present at the initial stage, is heavily diagnosed. Often the pathology develops within 2-3 months, and then independently undergoes involution. In this case, a woman may not know about the pathology that has taken place. Symptoms of impairment that cause you to see a doctor appear when there is a significant and rapid increase in education.

In this case, the ovary capsule is slowly stretched. There are pains of a pulling character. A feature of them is one-sided localization - from the side of the affected ovary. Often the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, lumbar region. Soreness accompanied by violations of the menstrual cycle - intermenstrual secretions, delayed regular monthly, increased character of discharge.

Cyst of the yellow ovary body - delay in menstruation

Calling the signs of the cyst of the yellow body of the ovary, gynecologists in the first place pose a violation of the cycle . This is due to the fact that the remaining yellow body, continues to synthesize progesterone. This inhibits ovulatory processes in the reproductive system. The long delay is due to the nature of the pathological changes. According to the doctors, the absence of menstruation can be observed from 5 days to several months.

The menstruation that has come after a long absence is abundant. Monthly can become protracted. Produced progesterone provokes uneven rejection of the uterine endometrium, because of which the discharge lasts for 6-7 days. Directly the symptomatology of this genus often causes the woman to turn for gynecological care.

Pain in the cyst of the yellow body

The cyst of the yellow body of the left ovary is characterized by the appearance of soreness in the lower abdomen , on the left, right - in the right. The pains are noisy, reminiscent of those that girls experience before cyclical secretions. Often the pain radiates into the lumbar region. At the same time, patients note the appearance of discomfort, feelings of bursting. The abdomen can grow in size, while the body weight remains unchanged.

A peculiarity of painful sensations, with such pathology as a cyst of the yellow body, is their strengthening in time of physical exertion. Because of this, often the patients complain to the gynecologist about the appearance of pain at the end of the day, in the evening hours. They also intensify with fast walking, physical activity, sexual intercourse, a sudden change in the position of the body (lifting from the chair, turning, tilting). Because of this, the patient is forced to take sparing positions with severe pain.

Allocations in the cyst of the yellow body

There is no pathological discharge from the vaginal cavity for this problem. An exception may be a cyst of a yellow ovary with a hemorrhage. With this violation, there is an increase in the monthly - an increase in their volume. Patients often record an increase in menstruation, which is accompanied by painful sensations. The character of the discharge also changes: they acquire a bright red color.

Ruptured cyst of the ovarian yellow body - symptoms

The pathology of this genus develops when the integrity of the outer cyst is compromised, because of its strong and rapid growth. As a result, there is an outpouring of blood, which in time can be released outward. A ruptured cyst of the ovarian's yellow body requires urgent hospitalization and surgery. The clinical picture has a pronounced symptomatology, therefore it is easy to identify the disorder.

The first complaints - a strong, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, giving off in the groin, which is localized on one side. This makes you take a forced, bent position. Gradually the condition worsens, there is an additional symptomatology:

Cyst of the yellow ovary body - normal size

The cyst of a yellow body on ultrasound is defined as a cavity formation filled with a liquid. When conducting an examination, doctors pay attention to the volume of the cyst, its shape. Directly the size of education is taken into account when choosing tactics of therapeutic effects. If the cyst has a diameter less than 4 cm, doctors take expectant tactics. Often, the cyst begins its reverse development and for 2-3 menstrual cycles disappears on its own. If its size is more than 4 cm, education is recurrent - a course of therapy is prescribed.

Yellow body cyst - treatment

Before treating the cyst of the yellow body, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination of the female body. Elimination of the cause that provoked the disorder precludes a possible relapse of the pathology. The choice of the course of therapy depends entirely on the size of the formation, the stage of the pathological process. Women with a small-sized, yellow-colored cyst that do not appear clinically recommend a doctor's observation, a dynamic control of the 2-3 menstrual cycles. In the absence of improvements, begin conservative treatment.

The basis of therapy of such a disease, as a cyst of the yellow body, is hormonal therapy. Drugs are selected individually with indication of dosage, multiplicity and duration of use. In parallel, anti-inflammatory agents can also be used. An excellent result shows the use of physiotherapy:

For the period of therapy, a woman is recommended to strictly limit physical activity. Sexual activity must also be reduced. This prevents such complications of the disease as a torsion of the legs, a rupture. When after a treatment for 4-6 weeks the cyst does not decrease in size and does not resolve, the question of its operative removal by laparoscopy is solved.

Yellow body cyst treatment - drugs

With such a pathology as a cyst of the ovarian's yellow body, treatment involves a comprehensive approach, the use of different groups of drugs. Due to the fact that the disease is caused by a violation of the hormonal background, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs that restore balance. For this purpose, oral contraceptives are often used:

When the cause of cyst formation becomes an inflammatory process, physicians resort to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs:

Cyst of the yellow body is often accompanied by a violation of the nervous system, because of the unstable hormonal background. In order to normalize the condition, sedatives are prescribed:

To relieve the attacks of pain with a cyst, antispasmodics are used:

Cyst of the yellow body of the ovary - treatment with folk remedies

Telling women about how to treat the cyst of the ovarian's yellow body, doctors note the effectiveness of folk methods. Medicinal herbs can reduce the symptoms of the disorder, improve the well-being of women. Among the effective recipes can be identified the following.

Decoction of the root of a dandelion


Preparation, use:

  1. Finely cut the root of a dandelion.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. Tumble on low heat, in a water bath for 3 hours.
  4. Decoction filter, cool.
  5. Pour into a jar with a screwed lid and put into the refrigerator.
  6. Take 3 tbsp. spoon three times a day, one hour before a meal. Start 5 days before the upcoming month.

Chaga with a yellow body cyst


Preparation, use:

  1. The mushroom is placed in a saucepan, poured in warm water, left for 6 hours.
  2. After he swells up, twist on the meat grinder.
  3. The resulting porridge is poured with boiled water, heated on the stove to 50 degrees.
  4. Remove from the fire, cover and insist for 3 days.
  5. Infusion is decanted, diluted in half and taken as follows: the first 3 days of the cycle - 100 ml, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, then increase the dosage to a glass per reception. Take 3 weeks.

Diet in the ovarian cyst of the yellow body

After the diagnosis of the cyst of the ovary's yellow body, what to do with this disease is not known to all women. Given the possibility of relapse, with the treatment performed because of the increased level of estrogens, doctors insist on dieting:

Removal of the cyst of the ovarian yellow body

Before the cyst of the ovary's yellow body is removed, doctors conduct conservative treatment. The decision about the operation is taken in the absence of effect: 3 months after the start of therapy, an increase in the cyst in size. The planned operation is performed by laparoscopic method - cyst excision, suture or resection of the ovary. In the presence of necrotic changes in the gland, development of bleeding, laparotomy is immediately performed with the removal of the affected ovary.

Yellow Ovary Cyst - Can I Get Pregnant?

Cyst of the yellow body of the ovary during pregnancy is not uncommon. This confirms the possibility of conception in the presence of a violation. Education itself does not pose a threat to the future of the baby. However, the pregnancy is monitored. An ultrasound is performed to monitor the size of the cyst. Operative intervention is prescribed only with a significant growth of the cyst, which prevents the normal development of the baby. This happens rarely.