Asparquet to children

If in the blood of a child for some reason the potassium content decreases, then hypokalemia occurs. For the treatment and prevention of this disease, children are prescribed asparks. With hypokalemia, the potassium content decreases not only in the blood, but also in the cells. This is especially dangerous for the cells of the heart muscle - the myocardium. In this condition, the child may develop a disruption of the heart and convulsions. Hypokalemia in children develops during vomiting or diarrhea, especially when it occurs during intoxication. Also, there may be a decrease in potassium in cases of impaired passage of the gastrointestinal tract, with kidney and liver diseases, with hormonal or diuretic drugs. For example, a diuretic diuretic drug, which is prescribed to reduce intracranial pressure and prevent cerebral edema. Often, such treatment is prolonged, and diakarb removes potassium from the body, causing hypokalemia, so together with it doctors must prescribe asparks.

Asparkam composition

The composition of the drug asparkam includes salts of potassium and magnesium. Everyone knows a chemical element of potassium - this is the main component of the drug. Possessing a pronounced anti-rhythm effect, potassium restores the stable work of the heart, normalizing its rhythm and supporting normal cardiac activity. Magnesium is needed to transfer potassium to the cells of the body. Also magnesium is a supplier of energy necessary for the vital activity of these cells.

The use of aspartame in children helps restore normal electrolyte balance. The drug is favorable for reducing oxygen starvation, improving the functioning of the digestive system. The use of aspartame promotes elimination of hypokalemia and after taking corticosteroids.

How to give asparks to children?

Hypokalemia is a complication of the underlying disease, so it must be treated. Asparks can be prescribed to children from birth. If the hypokalemia is not expressed sharply, the asparks are prescribed to children in the form of tablets, depending on the age of the child. In severe cases asparkam very slowly administered intravenously, by drip or by jet. At the same time, it is diluted with a 5% solution of glucose. You can not inject the drug quickly, as hyperkalaemia and hypermagnesemia, which are very dangerous for a child's life, can develop. Treatment with this drug lasts an average of 10 days. The dosage of aspartame to children should be strictly individual, it is prescribed only by the attending physician.

For the prevention of hypokalemia asparkam often prescribed for admission with drugs designed to treat the underlying disease. Indication for the use of aspartame in tablets is the arrhythmia developing in the child against the background of myocarditis. Often happens in preschool and school age after the transferred viral infections.

Asparks: contraindications

Contraindication for taking asparcuma can be a serious kidney disease. In this case asparks can accumulate in the body and cause hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia. Do not use asparks in cardiac blockades, as well as if the child has intolerance to the components of this drug. When dehydrating, in shock states and in severe forms of myasthenia gravis, the use of asparcuma is also contraindicated.

Asparks are not harmless "vitamins", as some parents think, so you can give your child strictly according to the indications and only after consulting a doctor. Remember that a competent approach to treatment is the guarantee of your child's health!