The ear hurts in the child - the reasons of pain and features of treatment of the kid

Unfortunately, no one is immune from earaches, neither adults nor children, but when the child's ear hurts, all necessary measures should be taken immediately to find out the cause and eliminate the problem, as often such pains indicate the presence of serious diseases.

Why do children's ears hurt?

The causes of earache in a child can be many and it is very important to correctly and timely deal with this issue, because diagnosing diseases at an early stage is the key to successful and not long therapy. If the ear hurts, the reasons can be internal and external, so you should know about each of the species, so that if possible, provide the necessary first aid to the child.

Internal causes:

External causes:

Tinnitus without temperature

The first thing is to find out why the ear hurts, otherwise it will just be unclear how to provide first aid to the child.

  1. If the cause is in the sulfur plug, you should determine its consistency . If it is soft, then use special drops. Well proven themselves: Remo-Wax, Klin-Irs and A-Tsetruman. If things are worse and sulfur has hardened, then it is necessary to do a procedure for washing with furacilin (or a solution of salt), but the correct option is to do this with a doctor.
  2. If a foreign body has got into the ear and it is not easy to get it - immediately call a doctor , because there have been cases when attempts to extract an object yourself caused damage to the hearing organs.
  3. If an insect has entered the ear, the first thing you need is to kill it , fill it with a salt solution or any available antiseptic. Provided that you can not get an insect yourself - contact a specialist.
  4. When finding out the cause of ear pain without temperature, examine the child for the presence of a cold that can easily cause painful sensations.
  5. Another reason why the child's ear hurts is the eruption of the teeth. You need to show maximum care and tenderness to help go through this difficult and painful period for children.

The ear and the temperature hurts

If both pain and heat are observed simultaneously, then it can be assumed that the cause is in a cold disease. In this case, the pain in the ears with cold is eliminated with the help of complex therapy, appointed by a specialist. The thing is that viral colds have the property to spread to other organs, so it is very important to get expert help from a specialist in order to avoid negative, sometimes irreversible consequences.

Other reasons that the ear hurts heavily are in the activation of the inflammatory process against the background of:

Pain in ear with swallowing

This type of pain testifies to the presence of problems in the middle ear caused by inflammatory processes against the background of the development of infections or complications after them. If there is shooting pain in the ear (not only on average), then the list of reasons why your child's ear hurts so greatly expands:

Pain in the ear when opening the mouth

If a child complains of pain in the ear when chewing or opening the mouth, the first thing to be clarified is the nature of the sensations. Depending on the reasons, the pain can be aching and dull, plus a different intensity. The reason in this case are:

  1. Dental diseases. Pain in the ear in this case is shooting and manifests itself when yawning, chewing and swallowing.
  2. Mumps (mumps). Pain in the ear in the child in this case is aching and worse when the mouth is opened.
  3. The intensive nature of pain is observed when foreign bodies and water enter. Also, sharp pain in the ear can occur due to a sharp pressure drop.

Pain and obstruction in the ear

In the event that the ear hurts in the child, plus there is a stagnation, then, most likely, it indicates the presence of such problems:

It hurts behind the ear by pressing

In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, and not ignore (as many do) this symptom. If the ear hurts the child when pressed - it can speak not only about the presence of problems with the organs of hearing, but also other, more serious diseases. The ear hurts - the reasons can be such:

The child has an earache - what can I do?

Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind to any parent, if the child has an earache - what to do at home? There are many pharmacy drugs and folk methods, but it is worth recalling that it is dangerous to apply anything without having found out the reason and not having received the expert's advice! Self-medication can lead to aggravation of the situation or loss of precious time, necessary for positive dynamics with drug therapy.

Pain in the ear in a child - first aid

If we talk about the provision of pre-hospital care, then the first thing that will help, how to relieve the pain in the ear, and help with other unpleasant sensations in this area is anesthetic (taking into account the age). Painkillers with pain in the ear especially saves at night, when there is no possibility to take the child to the hospital or call a doctor at home. It can be:

Another option that will help alleviate the suffering of the baby is an alcohol compress. To do this, you need to prepare alcohol, gauze, cellophane and a warm kerchief (in the gauze and cellophane make a hole for the auricle). Dampen the gauze layer of the compress with alcohol, attach to the sick ear, place the cellophane on top and wrap the head with a handkerchief. If the ear pain is familiar to you, and you know its cause, then you can use drops for the ears.

Ear drops from ear pain

Modern pharmacology can offer many tools for treatment, but the most effective and easy to use are children's ear drops. Unauthorized use of these medicines is highly undesirable and better if they are prescribed by the attending physician. However, to know which drops and in what cases are more effective - does not put.

  1. Otypax - drops are suitable for any age, but it is worth knowing that one of the contraindications to admission is damage to the tympanic membrane.
  2. Sofredex - suitable for everyone, except for babies and those who have any bacterial, fungal or viral infections.
  3. Otinum - children under the age of strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  4. Cipromed - prescribed only after a year.
  5. Otofa - apply at any age. Contraindicated in pregnancy and allergy to rifmapicin.
  6. Normax - recommended to children after 12 years.

Antibiotic for pain in the ear

We must admit that often antibiotics are the only salvation. As a rule, they are prescribed if other methods of therapy have not helped or are not so effective in combating the cause of the disease. What to do if the ears hurt children in terms of antibiotic therapy, and what antibiotics are needed - this question will be answered by the attending physician. Of the most frequently prescribed drugs:

Folk remedies for ear pain

The means of alternative medicine often help to strengthen the effect of the drugs used. If you decide to use folk remedies, then first consult with your doctor and get his consent to such therapy. What can help in the presence of ear pain:

  1. Preheat camphor oil in your child's ears.
  2. Bulb (along with peel) bake in the oven, squeeze the juice and apply as a drop.
  3. Bury the ears with almond oil (especially effective for otitis).
  4. Use instead of drops of aloe juice.

A warming compress on the baby's ear


Preparation and use

  1. To moisten the gauze pad with vodka or alcohol, put a thin layer of honey on top and attach it to the diseased ear, having previously made a hole in the auricle in the gasket.
  2. Top put cellophane or food film and warm (to build a bandage, wrap a handkerchief or simply put on a hat).

Broth of bay leaves with pain in the ear


Preparation and use:

  1. Leaves to boil and leave to insist in heat a couple of hours.
  2. Dilute the ear with the solution (up to 10 drops) and give a couple of teaspoons inside.

Oil and propolis for otitis


Preparation and use

  1. Mix the ingredients in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. To make of gauze or bandage burn and soak means.
  3. Put in a sore ear for a couple of hours.
  4. Course - 15 procedures.