Why do you scratch your nipples?

Many women experience the painful itch of nipples and skin on the chest. The reasons for this condition may be several, and not all of them are associated with diseases. Perhaps you just need to change the laundry, detergents or change the food.

But if a woman's nipples hurt and itches, and this is accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, secretions from the mammary glands, you should always consult a doctor. "Scabies" itself does not present any danger to health, but it can be a harbinger of serious diseases. If, in addition, that the nipples are scratched on the chest, there are no symptoms, you can try to determine the cause of this condition on your own. In many cases, itching can be eliminated without the help of doctors.

Why are the nipples of women?

  1. An unpleasant sensation can be caused by eczema, atopic dermatitis or an allergic skin reaction. To prevent these manifestations, you need to wear cotton bras, use hypoallergenic cosmetics, try not to use hygiene products and detergents with dyes or flavors that can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Eczema may appear due to dry skin or, conversely, a long contact with water. In itself, this cause of itching does not pose a danger, but the symptoms of eczema are very similar to those of nipple cancer. Therefore, if a woman's nipples are scratched and her chest hurts, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  3. Itching may appear due to irritation of the skin with clothing while playing sports or wearing tight and uncomfortable underwear. Artificial fabrics, laces and synthetics often also cause irritation and are the reason that the nipples are strongly scratched.
  4. Young women can scratch their nipples at the beginning of the cycle. This is due to the fact that at this time in the body increases the production of testosterone.
  5. To cause an itch can also thrush. Therefore, when treating it, it is advisable to lubricate the nipples with Pimafucin cream, Bepanten or Candida solution.
  6. But most often itching nipples during pregnancy . In women at this time, the mammary glands begin to prepare for feeding, the prolactin hormone begins to be produced. This leads to increased blood circulation, active growth of nipples. Often the nervous tissue does not keep up with the growth of the areola, and the skin itches around the nipple. A woman should not worry, this is a normal process. If the skin itches around the nipples, then the body is preparing for feeding, and the pregnancy is proceeding correctly.
  7. Often after the birth of the child, itching of the nipples begins, and cracks appear. To prevent this, you need to wear cotton underwear, lubricate the nipples with a decoction of chamomile and learn how to properly put the baby to the chest.

How can I prevent itching of the nipples?

  1. Change your underwear and use only a cotton, not tight chest, without pits and foam rubber.
  2. Powders, rinses and cosmetics only choose hypoallergenic. Moreover, even children's detergents can cause irritation on sensitive skin, so you need to select them individually.
  3. At occurrence of unpleasant sensation accurately wash a breast broth of a camomile, grease with a cream of a calendula or sea-buckthorn oil.
  4. Perhaps the cause of the itching is an allergic reaction to drugs or foods. To determine this, stop taking medications and change the diet.

If you have not been able to determine for yourself why the nipple is scratched on the chest, and the itching does not go away, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Perhaps this condition indicates a beginning disease, which can be cured only by medications.