Is it possible to eat cottage cheese every day?

Familiar since childhood, the taste of cottage cheese evokes some pleasant thoughts. After breakfast with cottage cheese there is a feeling of satiety and lightness. The gastrointestinal tract tells us "thank you". Dinner, too, can be replaced with cottage cheese, especially in the process of achieving harmony. Specialists in proper nutrition are recommended to include cottage cheese and dairy products in their diet. Only now is not it harmful to eat cottage cheese every day without fear for your health, let's try to figure it out.

How to choose cottage cheese?

The quality of the product is subject to a number of requirements. It is necessary to take into account some nuances, buying cottage cheese:

Is it possible to eat a lot of cottage cheese every day?

Of course you can. Basically, the reason for poisoning with curd is related to our carelessness. If you bought the product "with hands", then there is no guarantee that in the near future you will not have to take a sick leave because of poisoning. If you really love cottage cheese, then eat it on health, though every day, but little by little. Restrictions apply only to the quantity and quality of the eaten. Health care is related to the measure of what we eat every day. And there is an adult cottage cheese every day you can with anything - with sour cream, with berries or fruit slices, diluting kefir, milk or fermented milk. In fact, it is a dietary product suitable for all ages.

Why is it useful to eat cottage cheese every day?

The main advantages:

  1. A high protein content, even in low-fat cottage cheese, is nutritious and useful.
  2. The presence in the product of useful trace elements, especially calcium, a group of vitamins (A, B, E, D), phosphorus, iron, magnesium.
  3. In curds, there are amino acids necessary for the human body, which is useful for the liver.

To fans of different cottage cheese

Curd paradise, it turns out, exists. Today you can buy cottage cheese of different kinds:

And what delicious turns pancakes with cottage cheese! In general, you need to try a lot to find your cottage cheese. Then the question - is it useful to eat cottage cheese every day - will disappear by itself.