PCR analysis

To date, PCR analysis is considered one of the most reliable methods of diagnosing various infectious diseases. In addition, the method is becoming more accessible. Due to the high level of specificity, the possibility of obtaining false results is excluded.

Method of analysis

During the analysis, the test material is placed in a special instrument. Add enzymes that are involved in the formation of genetic material. Then there is a multiple copying of DNA or RNA of the causative agent of the disease. From cycle to cycle, the number of copies of DNA increases to an amount at which it is easy to identify the pathogen.

A blood test using the PCR method is most often used in clinical practice to identify the infectious cause of the disease. It is also possible to study urine, smear from the throat and other biological materials. In women, for the analysis of PCR, secretions from the genital organs, a smear from the urethra , a cervical canal are used. It is important to know how to prepare for the analysis of PCR in women, so that the result is as reliable as possible. The main thing to observe the following rules:

Before the analysis of blood, there is no special preparation.

PCR - what does the analysis show?

It is known that PCR analysis shows the presence of various viral and bacterial infections. This method is also effective for the detection of latent, chronic infections. An analysis of STI using the PCR method makes it possible to isolate a pathogenic agent even in the presence of single cells of viruses and bacteria. It is worth noting which PCR assays are included in the block of genital infections, these are:

With infectious diseases of the genital organs, the material for PCR is a smear from the cervical canal, the urethra and the vagina. Preparation for conception should be approached with great responsibility. When planning pregnancy, PCR analyzes are necessary in cases where there are suspicions of the most common infectious diseases. And if there is an infection, it is better to postpone pregnancy. It is worth noting that the tests for identifying the above pathogens must be passed not only to the woman, but also to the man.

Also, the PCR method reveals the following pathogens:

Interpretation of results

Decoding of the PCR analysis does not cause complications. Usually the results of PCR analyzes can be obtained as follows:

  1. A negative result means that the sought-for infectious agent has not been found in the material under study.
  2. A positive result indicates the presence of a DNA or RNA pathogen. That is, with great certainty it can be argued that it is the identified microorganism that is the cause of the disease.

In some cases, a quantitative determination of microorganisms is made. This is especially true for diseases caused by opportunistic microorganisms. Since these bacteria show their negative effects only when the amount is excessive. Also, quantitative PCR analysis is important for the selection of therapeutic tactics and for the purpose of controlling the treatment of viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis viruses.