11 Arcana Tarot - value

This lasso belongs to the highest cards. He is called in different ways: "Justice", "Justice", "Power", "The daughter of a flaming sword." The value of 11 arcana Tarot can also be interpreted in different ways, depending on what scenario and in what position it appears.

11 Arcana Tarot "Justice" - a general description

The outer execution of the 11 arcana Tarot visualizes the inner strength. On the map on the background of a bright green grass, a fragile innocent girl is depicted, and next to it is a huge mighty but submissive lion. The picture says that a moral person has a special power. The purity of his thoughts is such that he has the right to make the highest justice, because he has a well-developed intuition. He is able to defeat the beast in himself, and therefore can easily resist any external enemies.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the 11 Arcana Tarot

In the direct position, the value of the 11 arcana of the Tarot will indicate the strength of the will, the determination and courage that possesses the one to whom they are guessing. Also this person is distinguished by purposefulness and perseverance. He always carries out the planned plan and brings it to the end. Besides:

It is necessary not to miss the new opportunities that have appeared, the map presages a successful development of events. Therefore, it is not time to doubt and be lazy now.

In the inverted position 15, the Taro Arcana says that a person is not confident in himself, is weak or, conversely, has an unreasonably high self-esteem . And this greatly hinders him, deprives him of energy and devastates him. You should reconsider your attitude to the world and yourself, to achieve an internal balance.